A host of celebrities have backed a mother’s day campaign in support of a mother who was ousted from the Boy Scouts of America because she is gay.
Over the weekend, stars including Ricky Martin, Julianne Moore, Fran Drescher, Perez Hilton and Kelly Osbourne tweeted messages of support for Jennifer Tyrrell from Ohio.
Tyrrell was barred from continuing as a Tiger Cub den leader of her son’s Scout pack in April after nearly a year of service, because of her sexuality.
“Come on every1 RT and tell @boyscouts: on Mother’s Day to support Jennifer and ALL moms,” tweeted Martin, while Moore commented, “Dear @boyscouts, on Mother’s Day I support Jennifer & ALL moms, gay & straight!”
The celebs referred their Twitter followers to the petition, which has been signed by almost 300,000 people, urging the Scouts to reinstate Tyrrell.
Thousands of Twitter users also tweeted with the hash tag “scoutsforall” to show their solidarity with the and Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) campaign
Last week, California’s Assembly Judiciary Committee passed a resolution that congratulated the American Scouts on their 102nd anniversary but also urged the group “to accept for membership and leadership positions all qualified boys and men, without discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or religious belief.”
Lesbians and gays have been prohibited from becoming members or serving in leadership positions in the Boy Scouts of America since 1991.
Fuck the boy scouts!! Why don’t they make another orginisation that is inclusive of all people n the boy soucts will see how many people will still send thier sons to thier hate orginisation. Im not saying don’t fight it, all Im saying is, there is more than one option and they can be both implemented
That sound like a plan, gay scouts for boys- sounds like fun where do I sign up! (R) are you going to join me, we can share a bunk bed, me on top and you on the bottom.