with the murder of Siphiwe Nhlapo.
Gay men in Gauteng have been warned to keep up their guard in light of the fact that the killer or killers of eight gay men remain at large.
OUT, the LGBT health and well-being group in Pretoria, on Thursday advised all gay men to continue guarding their safety.
This follows the murders of eight gay men in Gauteng since 2010. They remain unsolved and share many similarities, with the victims appearing to have allowed their attacker into their home. There is a suspicion that at least some of the victims met their attackers through on-line or cell phone dating services.
“The South African Police Service has still not made any arrests regarding these murders. It means that the killer, or killers, are still out there,” said Dawie Nel, the Director of OUT.
“The last murder was on 25 February 2012. As some time has lapsed and these murders slip from peoples’ memory, it is important that gay men keep up their guard. Do not let strangers into your house,” he warned.
The SAPS formed a provincial task team in March 2012 to investigate the murders following a lack of progress in the cases, but this task team has also not made any arrests for the murders.
Also in March, Phumlani Msimango was arrested in connection with robbing one of the murder victims, Siphiwe Nhlapo, in September last year. He has claimed that his cousin Nhlanhla Msimango, who has still not been found by police, is responsible for the actual murder. It remains unclear if there is any connection between Msimango and the other seven murders.
OUT said that it has formed its own task team to help ensure justice. Because of the lack of progress, OUT and some of the victims’ families have also contracted a private investigation firm to assist with gathering of the facts.
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