A pastor in KwaZulu Natal has been blasted for stating that gay people are possessed and will go to hell at the funeral of a gay man who was recently murdered.
According to the Daily Sun, Pastor Vusi Zondi of the Full Gospel Church preached fire and brimstone style gospel at the funeral of 20-year-old Lungelo Mchunu, also known as Fani Mchunu.
The young man, a human resources administrator from KwaMashu, was allegedly stabbed to death by a woman who apparently believed that he was having an affair with her boyfriend.
“Gays and lesbians have no place in our society, They have no place even in heaven. They will burn in hell,” Pastor Zondi was quoted as saying at the service on Saturday.
“What kind of women do they think they are if they don’t have monthly periods? Even the way they behave, they are possessed by demons,” he went on to rant.
Mchunu’s friends have demanded that the pastor apologise for his hurtful comments.
“We did not adopt this lifestyle, it was something we were born with,” said James Khoza.
Anthony Waldhausen, Director of the Gay and Lesbian Network in Pietermaritzburg told Mambaonline that the pastor’s comments “were very disturbing, especially coming from a person of this stature.
“These kinds of statements will only escalate hate crimes. People look up to this kind of person. It gives someone perpetrating a hate crime a reason to do it. It incites people to take up hatred towards people. He needs to be made accountable,” Waldhausen said.
Nonhlanhla Mkhize the Manager of the Durban Lesbian & Gay Community & Health Centre said that the comments were in reaction to the previous night’s vigil at which members of the LGBT community spoke openly about Mchunu’s life, as well as some of the mourners being dressed in drag at the funeral itself.
“We do not believe that these statements are appropriate. It seems that a lot of pastors use these funerals as a platform to vent their anger against gays and lesbians,” Mkhize told Mambaonline.
She expressed her frustration at the difficulty in confronting religious leaders directly about their anti-gay views, suggesting that the religious community itself should be dealing with homophobia within its ranks.
“We really wish that we could have more religious leaders taking a stronger stand and telling their colleagues that this is not right,” said Mkhize.
No arrests relating to Mchunu’s murder have yet been made. Mambaonline was unable to reach Pastor Zondi for comment.
If there is a hell, I don’t think it will be gays burning there… How could any human being make these comments at someone’s funeral? He should be stripped of his position. Appalling!
the bible also says that:’if a woman is not a virgin on her wedding night,take her to her fathers house and stone her to death’.Did this religious bigot interpret this literally???of cause not,he is a critical christian fool,a black jesus,AMEN!who is he to pick,choose and refuse the scriptures and then use it to pass judgement and so called ‘teach’ the rest of society???stop being such hypocritical fools,before you echo amen in your home and place of worship,stop think and always remember that a gay child is listening,and your amen can silence prayers.Not everybody speaks Jesus Christ,so stop oppressing society with your christian laws,written by men of thousand years ago,should these laws have value in society today?-then what about ‘if a woman is raped in the city,both rapist and woman must be stoned to death because the woman could have called for help’???To this christian community,learn from me a christian,keep your diverted morality to your self!!!you’ll never know Jesus Christ because you are too busy creating your own Jesus that suits your interpretations of the Bible,and your church.STOP BLAMING THE DEVIL,christians today are a dark and destructive force for society,we fight for equality in South African-we must not allow the fabric of our society to be torn apart by unscrupulous christians,let me remind you that the teachings of Jesus Christ was:’love your neighbour as you would love yourself,and not love your neighbour only if he/she is a heterosexual christian advocate!
Very funny…The catholic priest are the one who molest young boys because they are frustrated in their sexuality. He deserves to be sjambok by the drag that were there!!!!
What a pile of dirt this preacher is. His victims are the family and friends of Mchunu. He has obviously never read the Gospel according to Matthew, or he would know he is one with the scribes and Pharisees.
This is wrong, i believe that every one has the right to be what they want.
The Bible condemns queers. See Romans 1: last 10 verses. He has given fags over to a reprobate mind and unless they repent they will indeed go to the lake of fire (hades, torments). Forget political correctness, the world is headed in the wrong way when the Bible is ignored. Judgment Day is coming.