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Badou Ahmed, one of the liberated men.  

Reuters has reported that two men set to be executed on charges of homosexuality in Mali were recently liberated by French-led forces.

In January, France, along with other African nations and Malians themselves, stepped in to end a ten-month takeover by Islamic extremists in Northern Mali.

One of the towns where the Jihadists were dislodged was Gao.

The extremists had promised to enforce Sharia law, including punishing thieves with amputation and executing homosexuals.

One man, Badou Ahmed, told reporters that he was arrested after being accused of being gay but was able to walk free after the French-led troops took back the town.

He was beaten unconscious by the Jihadists, is covered in scars and now walks with a limp.

Another man, Alitiin Ag Oussman, who was awaiting execution in a cell on the same charge of homosexuality, was freed the day before his planned execution.

Ahmed told Reuters that he had not been allowed to present witnesses at his trial and that his captors had threatened to cut his throat for being gay.


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