
A new study claims that strangers can often identify who is a top or bottom sexual partner in gay relationships just by looking at their faces on the basis of their “perceived masculinity”.

The report, published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour, is titled Accurate Identification of a Preference for Insertive Versus Receptive Intercourse from Static Facial Cues of Gay Men.

According to the authors, “in intercourse between men, one of the partners typically assumes the role of an insertive partner (top) while the other assumes a receptive role (bottom)”.

Researchers Konstantin O. Tskhay and Nicholas O. Rule sought to assess whether these sexual roles could be “perceived accurately by naïve observers”.

They went on to report that in one study they found that strangers were “able to discern men’s sexual roles from photos of their faces with accuracy that was significantly greater than chance guessing”.

In a second study, they determined “that the relationship between men’s perceived and actual sexual roles was mediated by perceived masculinity”.

The report concluded that, “Together, these results suggest that people rely on perceptions of characteristics relevant to stereotypical male–female gender roles and heterosexual relationships to accurately infer sexual roles in same-sex relationships.

“Thus, same-sex relationships and sexual behaviour may be perceptually framed, understood, and possibly structured in ways similar to stereotypes about opposite-sex relationships, suggesting that people may rely on these inferences to form accurate perceptions,” said the researchers.

Do you agree? In your experience, have you found that more masculine guys tend to be tops while less masculine guys tend to be bottoms? Tell us your thoughts below.

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