
Pope Francis

Leaked documents show that Pope Francis shares his predecessor Benedict XVI’s concerns about a gay lobby or network in the Vatican.

The notes document a private conversation between Catholic officials and Francis at the Latin American Conference of Religious Men and Women.

They quoted the Pontiff saying that in reports of corruption in the Vatican, “the ‘gay lobby’ is mentioned, and it is true, it is there … We need to see what we can do.”

The Vatican has refused to comment, insisting that conversation in question was a private one.

In February, La Repubblica newspaper claimed that Benedict’s shock resignation was partly prompted by a secret report that found that various interest groups, including a ‘gay lobby,’ were exercising “inappropriate influence” in the Vatican.

The report concluded that lobbies or networks in the Vatican were regularly breaking the sixth and seventh Biblical commandments; “thou shalt not commit adultery” and “thou shalt not steal”.

The newspaper said the stealing was connected to theft from the Vatican Bank, while references to the sixth commandment related to homosexual behaviour by an active gay lobby “united by sexual orientation” within the Vatican.

It is believed that the report identified a number of meeting places in and around Rome – including a villa and a sauna – for the gay lobby; where gay sex acts had presumably taken place.

The Catholic Church has actively campaigned against moves to legalise same-sex marriage in countries around the world. It holds the position that homosexual acts are “acts of grave depravity,” describing them as “intrinsically disordered and “contrary to the natural law”.

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