President Robert Mugabe has promised to make life even worse for gays and lesbians in Zimbabwe should his Zanu PF party win the upcoming elections.
According to News Day, the despot made the threat in a speech at a graduation ceremony at the Roman Catholic Church-run Bondolfi Teachers’ College.
“We do not have a culture of men marrying men or women marrying women. We cannot accept it, no, no, no. These things are taboo in our society,” said Mugabe.
“Some rape minors they are entrusted with in a short space of time, maybe it is for juju. We regret this is happening, big men do it. What is getting into our society?” he asked.
“After the polls, we will strengthen the law and make it really punitive and bitterly punishable for such people,” threatened Mugabe.
“At the moment, they get something like three months’ imprisonment. They should rot in jail… We want a nation guided by strong values, we cannot give up our values for money,” he added.
Mugabe’s homophobic rant will dampen hopes that LGBT people in Zimbabwe could be given some legal protection following the recent adoption of the country’s new constitution.
Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ) warned that the president’s words indicate that he “will pull the gay card to drum up support for his party and himself” in the run up to the elections.
GALZ Director Chesterfield Samba said: “Zanu PF’s instruments of intimidation and electioneering which include the subject of gays remains as strong as ever and is once again being used as a red herring for the real woes in this country around good governance.”
The organisation said that “it has become customary for the president to attempt to whip up a climate of hysterical homophobia against LGBT people before, during and after elections”.
Samba added: “Such outbursts have done much to highlight the dictatorial tendencies of his regime and the difficulties facing LGBT people throughout Zimbabwe and in Africa.”
The organisation claimed that violence against the LGBT community had in the past been inspired by anti-gay government propaganda.
Recently, five armed men attacked GALZ staff and board members at its national office in Harare.
Despite the men being arrested by the Police, GALZ is yet to be advised of when the men will appear in court. GALZ said that this was “raising fears that these were indeed youth militia acting on such careless propaganda”.
Homosexuality is illegal in Zimbabwe. It remains to be seen if the courts will rule on whether this is now in conflict with the new constitution.
Mugabe has previously said that gay people are “worse than pigs and dogs” and that they “don’t have any human rights at all”.
Hurry up and DIE old man!
Ha- Mugabe for your rotten character you will rot in hell…you should have a closer look at your country, at your own people and see what is going on. But you are too busy curled up in the comfort of your four walls and privileges. You claim to be Roman Catholic…but you are full of hatred only because people are different, you refuse to accept them….I wonder why rotten people like you are still around!
When this Hitler of Africa dies I want to have the BIGGEST party ever. Africa will truly be free when it is rid of this tyrant and his evil Zanu-PF robbers. And his bitch wife screws the security guards while he watches. He is a dirty old man.
Cape Times..I will so join you and celebrate the death of a black bastard that never should have been born..they shud have kept his after birth, instead of him..
Of course, Gwede Mantashe has said that the ANC zupports the reelection of Robert Mugabe and ZANU-PF. I find it surprising that support by the ANC for this vicious old homophobe has not been challenged by the GLBTQI community. Should South African political parties be allowed to support policies in other countries which are disallowed by our wonderful Constitution and its cornucopia of Rights? And why do we allow this to go unchallenged. I suppose that other bigot Jon Qwelane is still the Ambassador to Uganda, another decision by the ANC which shows complete contempt for the Gays ans Lesbians at home, and our rights elsewhere in Africa!
And it makes me worry as a catholic,that when our new pope got elected he was the first to arrive in rome,Red carpet and all,rot in hell your fake catholic………..
Am just hoping that all Zimbabweans in South Africa will vote Mugabe out….We cannot have a leader who is anti-white and anti-gay…..He must rot in hell himself….catholic church is a degrace..I was born catholic but im just disgusted!!!!!!
These African leaders they are confusing us and in the meantime they are filling their pockets with money. Fuck Mugabe!!!!!!They pretend they so call care for the nation but millions of people are starving…..If Zimbabweans are stupid then they can vote for him again!!!
Another topic for Dali not to discuss when next she visits and sucks up to Uncle Bob …
He, Mugabe, must have been violated when he was a boy as only abused people are as retaliatory as he is – same as Hitler (the moustache could be similar) because Hitler could have been one quarter Jewish!!! and his mother violated by a Jew? There must be a reason for his absurdness, even madness. He is not human, only resembles a human. He never reached the second sapiens.