Lasizwe accused of stealing content


Image: Instagram

South African vlogging sensation, Lasizwe, found himself in hot water recently when American vine star, Jay Versace, dragged him for stealing his content and using it in his videos.

The mess started when Lasizwe posted a video of himself, in a wig, “trying” to Facetime a friend who wasn’t picking up.

Jay Versace then quote-replied to the post on Twitter, accusing Lasizwe of copying everything he does.

After that, Twitter got quite messy, with Lasziwe then responding he was quite flattered that the global social media star followed his content.

Lasizwe has been called out numerous times on social media for using misogyny and mocking the daily experiences of black women and women of colour, in an attempt to be funny. As this twar was attracting the ruthless and unwanted attention from American Twitter, South African Twitter was not about to get dragged with Lasiziwe.

So this is video Lasizwe (amongst many others apparently) allegedly copied from Versace.

How to ruin my day (tag yo bestfriend🤪)

A post shared by 🌻 (@jayversace) on

We don’t know for sure if Lasizwe camps on Versace’s TL to jack his content, but all we can say is we’re so over the both of them using misogyny and being problematic for laughs and retweets. I’m sure we can come up with something else.


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