Author Archive

THE SODOMITES WANT TO RECRUIT YOU: We are multiplying, recruiting and taking over the world. Soon heterosexuals will be replaced with the superior faction of the human race; the Sodomites.
THOUGHTS ON SEX TAPE SCANDALS: Paris Hilton has one. Pamela Anderson has one and so apparently does Lindsay Lohan. But, writes Pierre Le Roux, it seems everyday people are getting on the sex tape bandwagon.
THE TESTOSTERONE CLUB: Pierre Le Roux always found the elusive inner circle of the “all boys club” to be inaccessible. But he recently discovered that being one of the boys was not all it was cracked up to be.
DOES GOD HATE FAGS?: The Westboro Baptist Church and its official website have been known to me for some time. But it wasn’t until recently that the hatred that they preach awakened the activist in me.
LIFE IS A DRAG: Following a recent Pretoria drag show that left him smiling for a week, Pierre Le Roux reflects on our local drag superstars and what they bring to our lives.
THE QUEENS AND KINGS OF YESTERDAY: Is gay and grey so unacceptable that it makes gay men run flapping and screaming to their plastic surgeon? Or does the sight of an old single gay man rouse a deeper fear, asks Pierre Le Roux.
THE BREAKUP: Taking pride in the way I present myself to the world should not be misconstrued as obsession. I am no oil painting and achieving a presentable appearance is not an easy feat.