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Students kiss in front of WBC protestors. (Pic: Paul M. Walsh)

The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) and its website have been known to me for some time. But it wasn’t until recently that the hatred that they preach awakened the activist in me.

After doing some research on the Church and its leader Fred Phelps, I was left wondering why anti-gay propaganda and violence-inspiring hate speech are still allowed in the USA and for that matter anywhere else in the world.

Fred Phelps and his family have been running their “Church” since 1955. Both Fred and the rest of his clan have a dodgy past, with several criminal charges filed against them. Their Church consists of approximately 71 members with 80% belonging to the Phelps family. They have taken it upon themselves to preach the “Word of God” to the world and, according to them, we’re all going to hell.

God apparently hates just about everyone – including several countries but especially “faggots” and “fag-enablers” (people who support homosexuals). (The Church favours the word “faggot” over the word “gay” and it has a long explanation on its website on this issue). The members of the WBC come armed with several biblical texts to support their claims.

They picket military funerals, funerals of people who have died of AIDS or gay bashings and even Jewish and Muslim religious events. At all their protests, the church members carry signs proclaiming “God Hates Fags”, “Death Penalty for Fags”, “Your Son’s in Hell”, “God Hates America”, “Thank God for 9/11” – I could go on. After reading some of the tripe written on their website, I must admit I looked out my window searching for rain clouds: I was sure God was about to strike me dead with lightning because, according to the WBC, I am such an abomination and sinner that God’s wrath could befall me at any second.

The most entertaining Phelps of the bunch is Shirley Phelps-Roper, who is the official spokesperson for this loony family Church. In interviews she displays a distinct lack of fashion sense and a dread of hair product and make-up; maybe God hates cosmetic products as well. She looks as frightening as the words she spits from her mouth with extreme conviction.

I also noticed that she likes using the words “missy” and “bimbo” quite frequently in interviews. This makes her sound like the bible study teacher from hell. I would love to see her go one-on-one with a drag queen – discussing the issue of sodomy. I can just picture all the head-bobbing, finger-waving and hilarious statements, references and rebuttals; I’d pay good money to be a spectator.

The next generation of Phelps family members are just as scary and crazy; complete with two Paris and Nicky Hilton types. They don’t come across as very bright as their education stems mostly from their cult-like family upbringing. They disguise their festering hatred towards everything non-Phelps behind peroxide, makeup and cute Hilton inspired outfits (maybe they should give Aunt Shirley some fashion and beauty tips).

The WBC protests in New York (Pic: David Shankbone)

Fred Phelps is turning 90 and, while he will not live very long, his legacy and preaching of hatred will continue through his indoctrinated offspring. His voice will still be heard from beyond the grave; whether he’s in heaven or in hell. According to him, hell is going to be very congested so if he ends up there I hope he made reservations.

Being annoyed with the Phelps family and their Church of hate and intolerance, I recently started a campaign on Facebook to have the WBC website removed or banned. A friend asked me why I’m bothering to spend time protesting the WBC and their website as they are in the USA and I am in South Africa. My answer was “because I can access their website in South Africa. And if I can access it so can others; people who may just be inclined to take what the Phelps clan are preaching to heart and their cancer will spread.”

While I believe that all people should have freedom of speech, the line can easily be crossed as we have seen so many times before. In my opinion, the WBC and the Phelps family are raping their freedoms and are spreading hate speech. They are specifically targeting the homosexual community and innocent people who do not deserve to be disrespected at their own funerals. The Phelps family is causing harm and emotional distress to people who have done nothing wrong and they should be stopped. The United Kingdom is one country I’m aware of that has banned the Phelps family from entering its borders. At least their citizens are safe – until they go on the internet that is.

If what the WBC is saying is true, then we are all condemned to hell and most countries are doomed. In fact, hell will be bursting at the seams with all the homosexuals, Jews, Muslims, black people, soldiers and just about everyone else on earth that is not a member of the Phelps family.

In the real world however, where people talk sense, are rational and can distinguish between right and wrong, I will fight the WBC and the Phelps family. I will rally anyone who will listen to protest against their delusional cult-like tactics and the tripe they spew and the lies they spread. I hope you’ll join me in this endeavour. It only takes one person to make a difference, let that one person be you!

Do you agree that the WBC website should be banned or blocked from being viewed in South Africa, or should the Church’s members have the right to express themselves – no matter how extreme they may be? Give us your thoughts below.

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