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WATCH: BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH PLAYS GAY WWII CODE BREAKER: The first trailer for the highly anticipated film about gay World War II code breaker and
HIV DIAGNOSES DROP IN US, RISE AMONG GAY MEN: Gay and bisexual men have bucked the trend of declining HIV diagnosis rates in the US, say researchers. A
TOM DALEY IN RUSSIA EMERGENCY LANDING SCARE: Diving star and sex symbol Tom Daley and his boyfriend screenwriter Dustin Lance Black were involved in mid-air
BUBBLEGUM – THE BIG GAY DISCO: The Bubblegum Big Gay Disco bash rocked Set in Rosebank, Johannesburg on Saturday 5 July, taking revellers down memory
OBAMA BANS DISCRIMINATION AGAINST LGBT GOV WORKERS: In a historic move, President Obama has finally outlawed discrimination against LGBT federal
ELLEN IS AMERICAN GAY MEN’S FAVE CELEBRITY: The most admired celebrity among gay American men is a lesbian woman. It’s none other than Ellen DeGeneres.
AIDS CONFERENCE: STOP FUNDING ANTI-GAY COUNTRIES: Sunday’s opening of the 20th International AIDS conference (AIDS 2014) in Australia was marked
GAY FOOTBALL STAR WEEPS OVER IMPACT OF COMING OUT: Michael Sam, the first NFL openly gay football player, gave an emotional speech after being presented
GAY TORTURE ANAL EXAMS STILL USED IN LEBANON: Despite a medical ban, it’s been revealed that a Lebanese doctor is still ‘testing’
TWO AND HALF MEN’S GAY MARRIAGE TWIST REVEALED: The final season of American sitcom Two and a Half Men is set to have a gay marriage twist that’s