Author Archive

SCIENTISTS SAY THAT HOMOSEXUALITY 40% GENETIC: Adding to decades of speculation and research a new study suggests that male homosexuality is at least
FACEBOOK LAUDED FOR NEW GENDER OPTIONS: Facebook has been praised for introducing a custom gender field that will allow users to more accurately reflect
NIGERIA: MOB BEATS 1O MEN ACCUSED OF BEING GAY: There are reports that 10 men, perceived to be gay, have been beaten by a mob of around 40 people in Nigeria.
RUSSIA EXPANDS BAN ON GAY FOREIGN ADOPTION: Despite being in the international spotlight during the Olympic Games, the Russian government has provocatively
GAY MEN WARNED OF UNDERAGE USERS ON SEX APPS: The UK’s National Crime Agency has warned gay men to ensure that the men they meet and exchange photos
SPORTSCASTER ANGRILY DEFENDS GAY US FOOTBALLER: A TV sportscaster has lashed out at members of America’s National Football League (NFL) who have criticised
BI SOCHI GOLD MEDALLIST SLAMMED FOR HUGGING PUTIN: Gay rights activists are furious that bisexual Dutch speed skater Ireen Wüst happily shared a hug
CLAIM: BRONX OWNER & ALLEGED KILLER WERE LOVERS: The trial of the three men accused of killing Cape Town gay nightclub owner Bruno Bronn is now under
SKI JUMPER 1ST LESBIAN TO WIN MEDAL AT SOCHI: Austria’s Daniela Iraschko-Stolz has become the first openly gay athlete to win a medal at the Sochi
LGBT PRISONERS LANGUISH IN CAMEROON JAIL: At least 20 people are languishing in prison in Cameroon on homosexuality charges, with one awaiting trial for