Author Archive

YEMEN GAY MURDERS CONTINUE: There’s been a report from Yemen of another man being gunned down, in a drive-by shooting, because he was suspected of being
UTAH STRIPS GAY COUPLE RIGHTS: LGBT rights groups have reacted with anger after Utah Governor Gary Herbert’s office suspended the state’s recognition
GERMAN FOOTBALL STAR COMES OUT: Thomas Hitzlsperger, the recently retired German footballer, has revealed that he is gay. In an interview with German magazine
POPULAR ACTIVIST LAID TO REST: Muntuza Masombuka, the much-loved LGBTI activist and personality on Gauteng’s gay scene, was laid to rest on Saturday.
AUSSIE TEAM BACKS GAY GROUP: A gay rights campaign has become an official sponsor of the men’s and women’s Australian bobsled teams at the Sochi
LGBTI FUND CALLS FOR PROPOSALS: UPDATE: Both the grant and peer reviewer application deadlines have been extended to Monday 10 February 2014. An exciting
VATICAN GUARD HARASSED FOR SEX: A former Vatican Swiss Guard has come forward with claims that he was regularly propositioned by members of the clergy for sex.
PM: DON’T JAIL ‘MONGOL’ GAYS: Uganda’s Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi, has compared gay people to “mongols” who should be treated
COURT HALTS UTAH GAY MARRIAGES: Hundreds of gay and lesbian married couples in Utah are in legal limbo after the US Supreme Court allowed the state to stop issuing
MAMBA TOP 20 NEWS STORIES OF 2013: The news this year was dominated by a host of international celebrities coming out (locally, our own celebs stayed firmly