Author Archive

THIRTY YEARS OF HIV: Over 4,000 researchers, activists, scientists and doctors are gathering in Durban for the 5th South African AIDS Conference this week, thirty years after the first HIV case was reported.
Q & A: DERRICK BARRY: Derrick Barry, the world's leading Britney Spears impersonator has just completed a South African club tour. He chatted to Mambaonline about Britney, South Africa and our men.
2011 BLOCKBUSTER HUNKS GALLERY: The movie blockbuster season is upon us; promising a line-up of gorgeous guys and masculine men. Meet the sexy stars lighting
DO WE SPEAK GAY?: Researchers have shown that the way some gay men speak can identify us as gay to listeners, and the clues appear to be in the way we say our vowels.
UGANDA GAY DEATH BILL MAY RETURN: David Bahati, the MP who drafted Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill, says that he intends to re-introduce the bill into the next session.
DEATH PENALTY TO STAY IN UGANDA BILL: A Ugandan parliamentary committee recommends passage of the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill, including retaining the death penalty.
BONE WEAR MODEL GALLERY: LUKE: Bone Wear underwear model Luke Brumer is an engineering student from Pretoria. This 21-year-old, who weighs in at 90kg and stands
MPS URGED TO REJECT GAY DEATH BILL: Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have urged Ugandan MPs to reject the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which may come up for a vote today.
GOVERNMENT MUST ACT ON LESBIAN MURDERS: In the wake of the most recent murder, Human Rights Watch has called on the SA government to take a stand against the ongoing attacks on lesbians.
PINK LOERIE 2011 PARADE GALLERY NO. 2: We present more images of the colourful Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Arts Festival Parade, held in the town of Knysna last