Author Archive

SENEGAL SETS BACK AIDS FIGHT: AIDS organisations have condemned the imprisonment of nine Senegalese gay activists for their sexual orientation, saying it threatens to reverse gains made in Senegal's fight against HIV.
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH CALLS FOR REPEAL OF PROP 8: A leading international human rights organisation has filed an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court calling on it to overturn Proposition 8.
DEAR PRESIDENT OBAMA…: An open letter to President Barack Obama on the occasion of his inauguration on Tuesday 20 January 2009 from Peter Tatchell, the British LGBTI human rights campaigner.
CALL TO INVESTIGATE MURDER OF TRANS ACTIVIST: Human rights organisations have called on the authorities to find and prosecute the murderers of a transgender activist in Honduras.
CALL TO INVESTIGATE MURDER OF TRANS ACTIVIST: Human rights organisations have called on the authorities to find and prosecute the murderers of a transgender activist in Honduras.
A COLONIAL HERITAGE: Half the world’s countries that criminalise homosexual conduct do so because they cling to Victorian morality and laws originally imposed by colonial Britain, says a new report.
SOUTH AFRICA FAILS TO SIGN UN DECLARATION: South Africa is among the countries that failed to support a declaration calling for the worldwide decriminalisation of homosexuality at the UN.
LEMUR GIVES CLUES TO HIV EVOLUTION: A squirrel sized lemur from Madagascar has given scientists new evidence about the origins of the HI virus and opened up new avenues for investigation.
ZOLISWA TRIAL FINALLY BEGINS: The trial of the men accused of murdering lesbian teenager Zoliswa Nkonyane has finally begun.
AIDS MONEY STUCK WITH HEALTH DEPARTMENT: South Africa's Department of Health has failed to channel US$3.9 million in donor money to 13 HIV/AIDS organisations, leaving them underfunded.