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Do you need a Professional Organiser? Maybe not… You have to ask yourself if you think you can do your organising project on your own. Can you set up systems to keep your home organised? Well, before you go spending unnecessary money, here are some tips to help you out.

If you want to tackle this on your own, go about it systematically. You will feel less overwhelmed by the task. Decide which room you want to start with. If necessary, break that down even further and decide which area of the room to begin with that day.

Complete one room at a time. You will enjoy seeing the results of your hard work. Jumping from to room will only overwhelm you. Remember, it always looks worse before it looks better.


1. Get a friend to help you. A no-nonsense friend. This friend will be your “coach” and he/she will be entrusted to ask the hard questions. Is this junk? Do you need it? Do you have room to keep it? You need someone who is willing to be firm but caring.

2. Gather things to sort your items into. Boxes, laundry baskets, crates. Label these for the sort. For instance, “Trash”, “Other Room”, “Give Away” or “Keep”. You’ll need trash bags too.

3. Begin in one area and be tough with yourself. Limit how many pieces of a collection you will keep. Be honest in the process. If you really haven’t worn that dress in three years it is time to let it go. Continue sorting each area until it is finished. Do not take items to other rooms during the sort. Stay in this zone only.

4. If necessary, set up appointments with yourself to get the tasks completed. Your home is important. You deserve a nice place that doesn’t cause you stress. Keep your appointments to complete the project.

5. Don’t immediately buy organising products. Wait until after the sort. You won’t know until after the sorting process, what you actually need. Have a yard sale and use the funds you earn to buy a quick new paint color and organising supplies.

6. Closed solid boxes are preferable to clear containers for storing papers, CD’s, DVD’s and photos; they offer less visual clutter. Be sure to buy acid free products for document storage.

7. Think out of the box; many items sold for kitchen storage are excellent for other areas of the house. Drawer organisers, cutlery trays and stands, magnetic rails and baskets. Look around before deciding on the more expensive options.

8. You can’t expect to get it finished in one day. Tired? Ok, stop for the day, but take out the trash first. This will keep you from having ‘purger’s remorse’. You won’t be tempted to retrieve anything from the trash at one AM.

9. Think about how you really live in each room. Set it up to reflect that. If you take your shoes off at the door and they become an unsightly pile, buy a storage item for that area. If you put down your keys, mail, cell phone etc… at the nearest counter, put a decorative bowl or basket there.

10. Most importantly, address the issues that keep you disorganised. Realise that previous habits may need to be relearned. In order to keep your new rooms organised, changes in behaviour must be made. You’ll feel pride instead of shame. Forgive yourself for the way it was. Vow to live better. Have a party and celebrate!

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