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A conservative group, the American Family Association (AFA), has called for a boycott of Pepsi Cola because its holding company has contributed to pro-gay organisations.

The association says that PepsiCo has given $500,000 to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and $500,000 to the Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) over the last two years.

The group also said that “PepsiCo has refused a request by AFA to remain neutral in the culture war” and that the company will continue to fund the organisations in the future.

According to the AFA, “the $1,000,000 was to be used to help promote homosexuality in the workplace.”

Pepisco said in a letter to the group that the grants from its PepsiCo Foundation to PFLAG were to support an initiative “to promote further understanding and equality in the places where people spend much of their time at work.”

It added that “Among the values promoted by the PepsiCo Foundation is ensuring a work environment that is respectful and where associates are valued for their contributions.”

In an e-mail “action alert”, the AFA called on its over two million members to boycott all PepsiCo products and to urge retailers, bottlers and family and friends to do the same until the company stops “promoting the homosexual agenda.”

“Forward this e-mail to your friends and family so they will know about Pepsi’s support of the homosexual agenda. Millions of people are not aware of Pepsi’s support of homosexual organisations,” said the group.

The AFA has in the past instituted boycotts with disputed success against companies such as Campbell’s Soup, Disney, McDonald’s, Kraft and Ford for their support of gay causes.

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  1. pepsi all the way
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  2. Love Pepsi
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  3. Go Pepsi
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