
A lesbian couple has won the right to be funded by the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) for their IVF treatment.

The anonymous couple, one of whom has polycystic ovary syndrome, which can lead to infertility, were previously denied access to the fertility treatment on the basis that they were both women.

From October, the Human Embryology Bill will make it illegal for NHS Trusts to block lesbians by referring to a child’s “need for a father”. Same-sex couples must instead show that they can offer “supportive parenting”.

Ruth Hunt, head of policy at Stonewall, the lesbian, gay and bisexual organisation, told The Times: “The changes in the law should mean that no infertile lesbian is refused NHS fertility treatment on the grounds of her sexual orientation. We have just published a guide on how to get pregnant for lesbians in response to lots of queries. This is a hot topic for us at the moment.”

The law is set to be expanded in 2010, allowing male couples to apply to be recognised as the parents of surrogate children.

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