The UN Assembly’s new President, Ali Abdussalam Treki, has said that he is not in favour of decriminalising homosexuality.
In an interview prior to his first address to the Assembly in his new role, Treki, who is from Libya, said that he did not support the statement in favour of the decriminalisation of homosexuality signed by 66 Countries last December at the General Assembly in New York.
“As a Muslim, I am not in favour of it… it is not accepted by the majority of countries. My opinion is not in favour of this matter at all. I think it’s not really acceptable by our religion, our tradition,” he said.
He went on to add: “It is not acceptable in the majority of the world. And there are some countries that allow that, thinking it is a kind of democracy… I think it is not.”
The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) said that it is “deeply worried and outraged” by Treki’s “failure to consider the protection of the life and safety of lesbians, gay men, trans, intersex and bisexual people all over the world a matter of human rights.
“…one cannot but conclude that the new President of the UN Assembly is in favour of criminalising lesbians and gay men, bisexual, trans and intersex people,” noted the organisation.
“The worrying and serious implications of this attitude, coming from the new head of an institution which is supposed to regard human rights – all human rights – as the most sacred value, cannot be overstated.”
ILGA appealed to the representatives of the nations that signed the statement against the criminalisation of homosexuality, but also voted for the election of Treki in his new position, to demand an explanation for his statements.
…. Maar kyk hoe lyk die ou lewervlek. hulle kan maar “disagree” en “criminalise” soos hulle wil, ons gaan nerens
op eie bodem. ja wag maar. Ons gay ouens hier in Suid Afrika sit terug want hulle dink ons het so n goeie konstitusie. Zuma is besig om allerhande organisasies te stig wat hulself beywer om weg te doen met ‘liberale wette’, soos die reg van gays om te trou. Met die idioot RAY McCAULY as sy spirituele adviseur is dit net n mate van tyd voor gay regte in ons land afgelag word. PASOP!! As jy wil march by Pride, doen dit omdat jy wil veg vir jou regte en nie omdat dit n geleentheid is om the suip en op te dress nie!!
God save the queen(s)…. We are living in uncertain times. And back up for grabs is the acceptance of our sexual orientation. While medicine and science have advanced tremendously in the understanding and inclusion of homosexuality as a norm, fundamentalism is reacting aggressively toward this.
Now is not a time of complacency for us. We need to raise our voices as a collective whole and make sure we are heard. Too many of our ‘sisters’ have been sacrificed, literally and figuratively, for us to stand down and be driven underground.
Allowing the word GAY to be dropped from Gay Pride, for instance, is a far more serious issue than many think. It is a form of submission. The message it conveys is that we are a soft target, so go ahead and attack us. I urge you all to petition wherever possible in the face of threats to our equal rights and safety.
The battle is never won.
WTF. so i guess along with this character,and ray macauley and zuma’s new alliance………WE had better watch our backs……