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The publication, titled “My Way, Your Way or The RIGHT Way? Implementing the Yogyakarta Principles in Kenya” was put together by the G-Kenya Trust, a member of the Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya (GALCK).

The book aims to impart the Yogyakarta Principles; a set of guidelines for applying international human rights law in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity.

The Principles were compiled by a group of international human rights experts – including South African Constitutional Court justice Edwin Cameron – in 2006 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

In the publication, the Principles have been placed within the Kenyan social and political context. It concludes with a set of recommended actions for citizens, government and civil society groups to take to ensure LGBT people are treated equality and fairly.

“This book is a welcome resource for any person or organisation that decries any form of discrimination between people, or works for comprehensive equality for all Kenyans,” says David Kuria, GALCK General Manager, in the foreword.

“Indeed although the book does focus on sexual minorities, the principles apply for any group of Kenyans struggling for equality and non-discrimination,” he adds.

While the book is currently in the process of being printed, a PDF version can be downloaded here.

Homosexuality is illegal in Kenya with penalties including 14 years’ imprisonment. A 2007 Pew Global Attitudes study found that 96% of Kenyans believe that homosexuality should be rejected by society.

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