Eugene “Huge” Brockman, the designer of the new South African LGBT flag, has responded to Jason Fiddler’s recent article on Mambaonline questioning the appropriateness of the venture.

As I am the designer and person behind the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (GLBT) flag of South Africa, I would like to address the issues raised in Mambaonline’s article on the 19th January, 2011.
Thank you to all readers, Jason Fiddler and Mambaonline for actively pursuing GLBT rights in South Africa and bringing this topic to public debate.
My motivation and aim with the GLBT flag of South Africa is to use it as a vehicle for change in our country, by having it unite the community, generate revenue for GLBT causes and protect and promote the GLBT agenda in South Africa – all of which I have been actively doing in the four weeks since the flag was launched.
P2-INK consists of my fiancée and I, operating out of our one bedroom apartment, with two laptops, a hoard of boxes, a dream and a shrinking savings account. Nevertheless, the article brings a lot of valuable points to the fore.
I would let pioneering activist Ndumie Funda answer this question in a direct quote. (Ndumie’s lover was “correctively raped” and died as a result. She has won 140 000 signatures in a record-breaking petition to call our government to action):
“Our government constitution is highly inclusive, but in practicality it is not. By hanging the GLBT flag of South Africa in our streets and houses we can intimidate perpetrators of corrective rape, plus the government as it reminds them that we are not going anywhere. We are also citizens of this country and therefore we demand justice and equality for all.”
The GLBT flag of South Africa is a means to develop a queer South African identity, resolve local issues and to generate funds for local causes, whilst remaining a part of the African and international GLBT community.
The Gilbert Baker Rainbow flag was not trademarked. That lack of foresight led to the flag being freely adopted but also to becoming commercialised. Most flag manufacturers use and sell it without a cent going to the GLBT community. However, the worst sin of all was that some corporations adopted the colours in advertising campaigns whilst neglecting employment equality for GLBT employees.
So by trademarking and managing the GLBT flag of South Africa through a company we are promoting the common good by ensuring that every sale of the GLBT flag of South Africa goes to a worthy cause. In the next few months, profits will be going to Cape Town Pride and Luleki Sizwe. I have contacted the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and Joburg pride to propose similar projects, but they are in their initial phases.
My partner and I have added the following to our website (we neglected to so do and apologise for this):
- All individuals are free to use the design of the GLBT flag of South Africa for personal use. Feel free to paint the flag, go wild – paint your fridge, your car, house in the colours.
- We ask any and all NGOs, NPOs and charities promoting GLBT causes to contact us on how to use the GLBT flag of South Africa for their causes at no charge.
- Companies wanting to discuss the GLBT flag of South Africa in advertising and marketing are free to contact P2-INK, but must make themselves and their HR department available for an GLBT employment equity audit.
There has been a clear slide in GLBT rights: South Africa’s UN Ambassador’s vote, the continuous corrective rape and eroding GLBT rights in Uganda and Malawi made me feel the need to act immediately. Launching at MCQP became a viable option and I acted on it.
We also researched the origins of the South African flag and in reality the design flag was decided on by a few who asked the public in good faith to embrace it.
Why? After a failed national competition with over 7000 applications, unsuccessful proposals by tens of design companies it came down to Fred Brownell, and a strong design. It took some time for people to accept it (in 1995 white people were still flying the Oranje blanje blou at the Rugby World cup, yet today the majority of South Africans have come to love the flag). Similarly, with persistence we will earn recognition to have the GLBT flag of South Africa represent the local queer community.
We have not stated that the GLBT flag of South Africa is the “official” queer flag. However, we have asked the community to see its value and to adopt it. De Waterkant is flying the flag in solidarity. Cape Town Pride’s board and executive committee have embraced the flag because they know we are sincere, generous and provided them with an avenue to raise funds (Pride does not simply happen, it needs funding).
The previous article mentioned that the US version of the Pride flag is almost a non-entity. Why? It is a full time occupation to do justice in promotion and management of such a symbol. It is a project that my partner and I have staked our careers, our financial security and dreams upon. If a similar model to that of the Pride flag of the USA was followed and the concept was put to the community, there would have been discussion upon discussion, with little action taken.
Who would have stepped forward, put their resources on the line, given generously to charity and made this flag their life’s work, as I have done? Let us not discount the large egos, internal politics and feuds in the gay community which could have resulted in competing designs fighting against each other instead of for the community.
I just happen to live in Cape Town and as such there are geographical limitations. The GLBT flag of South Africa was launched at MCQP because it was an immediate platform to the national GLBT community as people from across the country attend.
I was approached by Gareth Dallas (Cape Town Pride festival director) who saw my passion and asked me to become a Pride volunteer. I did so immediately and have since thrown myself wholeheartedly into helping out.
I also e-mailed and called most gay clubs and venues in Johannesburg, Durban and Bloemfontein, Mr. Gay South Africa, Pink Loerie Festival and Joburg Pride to discuss collaborative projects and have given flags away for free.

My partner and I have set aside time to move to Joburg to introduce the flag to Gauteng. Ultimately, I would like to put together a Priscilla-Queen-Of-the-Desert-like road trip so the flag can reach each and every part of our country, from Springbok to Soweto!
I ask every gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered South African to give the GLBT flag of South Africa a chance
love it. Truly an inspiring project and i am very glad that P2-Ink has started. Should definately be a wake up call for the community to see all the issues that have not been dealt with yet. Thanks P2-Ink for showing the community all these things! Good luck and i am all the way behind you guys!
Our New Flag. Well Done Eugene & P2-INK
It’s about time we had something to hold on to as an LGBTI community!
This is exciting and may the flag fly bigger higher faster and further.
The fianc?. OK, so I did some research. The fiance is Henry Bantjez ? found him on FB (and have seen him around at Crew Bar) HE IS HOT! Come on MAMBAONLINE! Why are you holding back on us? We want more news on these guys! Exclusive interview? We know about the flag now. Old news. More about these two men…(PS Why are the best men always taken?)
tsk. hear hear
Thank you. Good work guys, wish the writer in the previous article had given a little more info on the project, it would have saved many people (myself included) from getting their panties in a knot.
Not only do I support the initiative behind it, but I support the design itself now to. By superimposing the SA flag on the rainbow flag, everyone can see how fundamental gay rights are to South Africa (through the constitution) and be made aware of the troubles faced by many in the community.
You have made a believer out of me, and I respect and appreciate what you guys are doing. Thank you.
Huge Brockman from P2-ink is hot. Grrrrrrr
hot couplr from P2-ink. Just did my research as well. Yes, the P2-ink men are a hot couple! Mmmmmmmm.
proudly South African!. well done boys! love the flag! keep up the good work!!
our new flag. its about time! Big hugs and thanks to P2-ink . Is there some award we can give them? Seriously! I have never seen something this good in our gay community!
Well Done!!!. (clapping) Well done Huge! (and Henry)
Love the Priscilla idea. Think you should start raising funds to make this trip possible…document it too! Imagine the publicity you could gain for the GLBT community.
EXCELLENT!!!!!. These guys are celebrities ? and right here in Cape Town. We wanna know more about them!!! Seems like they are trying to be low key, but lets get more news on these hotties.
Super Initiative. I love the new flag, its a great initiative and true indicator for highlighting the fight (for basic rights) and awareness for the GLBT community of South Africa.
Good for You!. Between Spud and Flags, the message of what being gay in South Africa has been lost by grand-standing “activists” who want more than their 15-mins of fame on Mamba.
Many people I know don’t really care about this kinda of stuff – there are more important things in life to worry about but the fact that someone has gotten off their arse and done something to make money/not make money should be acknowledged and respected.
Never wanted to get into the debate – but I will certainly do everything I can to support the “New” SA flag – even if my motivation is just to shut the grand-standing attention seeking “activists” who claim to be speaking on my behalf – but really aren’t.
Good for you Eugene!
COOL!! Have my support
Sceptical. I don’t see the need to support a specific SA Pride flag, but that’s my opinion. However what does concern me, and that concern will only be alleviated or proven in time is that the trademark and subsequent initial beneficiary is a private entity. Sadly living in SA with a history of corruption and embezzlement, while there is suggestion of funds brought in by the use of the flag being channeled into various local causes, there is no obligation to have accounts audited/publicized or causes democratically decided upon. No offense to the company, but as I say, based on trends, I’ll have to see how you actually conduct business before I buy into the program. Until then, this will remain in my mind as a private venture, inherently non-transparent by nature
i smell a rat. This guy will not scam me, it is clear what is the main aim with this flag story….??
@Barry Ronge- get informed. Hopefully you are not teh REAL Barry Ronge (as in the famous one) because then you would have been more informed about the flag and waht it is ALREADY doing such as the fight against corrective rape (Have you not seen Motswako
I smell a rat too. I can only hope “Huge” will be open to 3rd party audits as it is easy to say each sale will go towards charity. If it is only 1c to the rand then it is just another guy out for a quick buck.
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Well done. Finally! i wish I had thought of this – but there is no where i cold come up with the funds to launch something as pure and wonderful as this flag – I support P2-INK wholeheartedly!!!
SUPPORT!!. FANTASTIC! Well done (and there will always be the sceptics, that is natural, but remember there are thousands of us who focus FIRST on the good)
PS Thank you so much
well done!. Can we get more news about Huge and his fiance?Cape Town Celebs i tell you!!
STUNNING. Thanks for showing al this love. I am so tired of hearing (mostly ANCIENT) queens complaining about every little thing so they can feel better about themselves!
BTW I just turned 18 – I am a TWINK PROUD & OUT – so see you at CAPE TOWN PRIDE (with my South African Gay Flag, of course!)
PS Yeah, the p2-INK biys are hot
Bravo P2-ink!. Well done boyz
Bravo P2-ink!. Well done boyz
ke a leboga! well done!!. Excellent @P2-ink
Love it. Loved our new flag from the first time I saw it…. Well done and good luck with all your ventures. Good idee to do a Prissila Trip through the country.
Yes!!!. Yes for a pricilla trip!
100% Support. Thank you. Cape Town looks great with all the flags. Hope you can (or someone can help out) to go country-wide and YES to the Pricilla bus!!!!
WONDERFUL. Greetings from the Vaal Triangle!! This is a wonderful tool to unite us – I am supporting this.
OUR NEW FLAG. Thanks you boys. Love it. Keep up the good spirit and work. I got two small flags and sending one to my SA BFF in London.
Proud of our new gay flag!. Why have we not done this ages ago?! Thanks to P2-INK. I got a small flag and will wave it proudly
Well done (loved it on TV). I saw the flag in SABC 2 Motswako – it made me fell very proud (albeit shedding a few tears). Well done.
FULL SUPPORT. Now that I am much more informed about our SA gay flag – I wholly support it. Hope to see more of this beautiful symbol and keep up the good work!!!!
FULL SUPPORT. Now that I am much more informed about our SA gay flag – I wholly support it. Hope to see more of this beautiful symbol and keep up the good work!!!!
wow!. Saw the flag on SABC breakfast TV early this morning! Made me VERY VERY proud!!!
The Flag. Love it! Gonna get one for the resto.
Great stuff!!!. Bring on that Pricilla bus to Baberton! You will be surprised how much support you have down here!!!!!!!!
Also saw you on SABC. You boyz are beautiful. Thank you for making SOuth AFrica a better place. I wish we had more people like you in this country. You are AMAZING
keep up the good work!. You boys are wonderful. Some people just dream about things but you took action and made our flag a reality. Keep up the good work!
LOVE OUR NEW GAY FLAG. I have been reading, listening and watching the media with interest, and learning about all the positive things the flag has already been doing. This makes me incredibly proud and I love the fact that the flag is not ONLY in the gay magazines etc but also on SABC and other newspapers etc. to raise awareness (especially about this correctivley rape thing that is so terrible here in our own country)
Bravo people!
Fuckin proud of this flag!. been to CT Pride. Loved seeing all the flags. I am so fuckin proud of this flag! Thank you thank you thank you
LLLLLOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEEEE IIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!. We own it! I absolutely love it. NOW I’m proudly Gay and South African!!!
Hola!. Heita! Ka Lerato! Ka Lerato! Love it
Really great article with very interesting information. You might want to follow up to this topic!?! 2012
Really interesting blog, keep up the good work!
Thanks for tris interesting information! I found it very useful =)
Touchdown! That’s a rlealy cool way of putting it!