The Indian city of New Delhi held its fourth annual Pride Parade on 27 November, celebrating the relatively-recent decriminalisation of homosexuality in 2009. Aditya Bondyopadhyay was there with his camera.
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. When is next years pride? Look at those hotties…..
Congrats on the 4th pride.
. Wow, the colours are so bright! Not like the our faded “Gay Flag of South Africa”. Someone should get those boys a pack of OMO…It makes “whites, whiter and colour’s brighter”…..LOL
. Very colourful indeed (and lots of hotties). Just a pity so many had to cover their faces…. Obviously India is still not a very homo-friendly community. Did any of the Bollywood actors come out in favour of the Pride?
. I find comfort in seeing the Universal Rainbow flag being used as a unifier and not one the discriminates or divides. It shows us that in Solidarity, many positive things can be achieved, come what may!
The “Gay Flag of South Africa” is of the type that seeks to divide rather than unite. So we have Africa, a place that is plagued by homophobia and yet we create flags that is “only” for South Africa! Pathetic i tell you! and then we ask people to pay for it as well. all done under the mask of “supporting” LGBTI issues. Also the flag was submitted for a patent, reproduce and we will take you to court. This all done by two gay boys who probably ran out of cash overseas and then trying to make money out of us upon their return.
Its no longer a unifier but a divider amongst all that Gay men and Women has fought for from Stonewall days, someone please give them a copy of our history!
. So true, but what is going to be done about it?
. U guys are full of shit. LOL
. I agree. Stop bitching like stupid moffies do and come up with something AMAZING yourseles
. Sounds more like you have a personal dig here. Keep to the topic which is DELHI QUEER PRIDZE
. love it
. love india
. Good for india
. Dhani makes a good point about the masks – it’s much like the early Pride parades in South Africa where everyone hid their identities too. Can we really have pride where we’re scared or ashamed to come out and present our faces to the world? Let’s remember what the true purpose of the parades is.
. I never thuohgt I would find such an everyday topic so enthralling!