
Frank Malaba

Mr. Gay South Africa™ has announced two additions to its board of directors, namely Karin Sephton as Director Finances and Administration and Frank Malaba as Director of Human Resources.

They join Coenie Kukkuk as Director Media and Legal and John-Louis O’Neil as Director Sponsors and Logistics on the board. Barry Vorster resigned recently after having served two years and Mr. GSA thanked him for his input over the years.

Frank Malaba hails from Johannesburg and is an actor and poet and was the producer and presenter of Radio Outspoken. He has been an LGBTI rights activist for many years and one of the judges of Mr. GSA since its inception in 2009. He also served as a judge at Mr. Gay World 2012 and as an MC with Cathy Specific at the 2011 Mr. GSA Grand Finale.

Karin Sephton is a businesswoman and events planner from Pretoria and has been involved with the competition since 2010 through her exclusive Wonderguy clothing range, which is aimed at the gay male community. She is also a recently appointed member of the Pink Loerie Organising Committee.

Kukkuk, who is also Director: Africa & Middle East of Mr. Gay World, is currently in Europe to represent these regions at Mr. Gay Europe.

“It is an ongoing aim of Mr. GSA to be more diverse and Frank and Karin bring a wealth of knowledge to the board. Both have been involved with Mr. GSA for a long time and few people know the competition better than them,” said Kukkuk.

“We also hope that more contestants of colour are inspired to participate this year to reach our aim of at least 50% of the finalists being from previously disadvantaged communities and Frank serves as a role model for them as an out-and-proud – and visible – black gay man,” he said.

Kukkuk added that “aid will be given to any contestant who is financially disadvantaged where possible” and that any applicants should contact Malaba on

Having completed the regional finals in Durban and Dullstroom, the Mr. GSA road show next moves to The Glen Boutique Hotel for the Cape Town regional final on 25 August and to 28A on Oxford Boutique Hotel on 1 September for the Johannesburg regional final.

Anyone may enter regardless of where they are from, as the regional finals are not province-bound. A last regional has been pencilled in for Port Elizabeth after 5 September, provided there are enough entries there to warrant it.

Any out-and-proud gay man who is a South African citizen and between the ages of 18 and 40 may enter.

The winner of Mr. Gay South Africa 2012/2013 will be revealed at a glittering Grand Finale in Pretoria on Saturday 8 December at the new, state-of-the-art Atterbury Theatre in Lynnwood Bridge, Pretoria.

The entry form and all the details can be found here.

The Mr. GSA Annual Auction is now online here.

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