
Saved: Elton, the ‘gay’ dog.

A hapless dog in America was sent to be put down after his owner decided that he was gay and that he no longer wanted him.

The male bulldog-mix pet was dropped off by the owner at a rabies control shelter in the town of Jackson, a few hours from Nashville, apparently because he saw the animal mount another male.

“He hunched another male dog so his owner threw him away bc he refuses to have a ‘gay’ dog! Even if that weren’t the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard, it’s still discrimination,” wrote the animal rescue group Jackson TN Euthanasia on its Facebook page in a last ditch bid to find a home for the pooch.

“Don’t let this gorgeous dog die bc his owner is ignorant of normal dog behavior! He’s in kennel 10L and he WILL be put down tomorrow bc there is no room at the inn!”

Thankfully, Stephanie Fryns from Jackson responded to the plea and adopted the dog, who has since been named Elton.

Elton’s “pretty friendly so far,” she told ABC News. “He’s pretty scared of everything, which is understandable. But he loved the car ride.”

Homosexual behaviour has been recorded in over 1,000 animal species. Dogs also commonly mount other animals of the same sex as dominance behaviour.

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