
David Cecil

Following the collapse of the court case against him, the Ugandan authorities are set to deport the British man who put on a gay-themed play in a small cultural centre in Kampala.

In January, the Makindye Magistrates’ Court dismissed the case against David Cecil due to lack of evidence.

He had been charged with “disobeying lawful orders” by producing the banned play The River and the Mountain in August last year and faced two years in jail.

The play deals with a Ugandan gay man who is killed by his employees because of  his sexuality.

Now Cecil is back in custody after he was arrested by immigration officers on Thursday at his home and taken to Jinja Road police station.

It is believed that a Ministerial Decree of Deportation has been issued to force him to leave Uganda, where he has a Ugandan wife and young child.

Cecil is said to be planning to appeal the deportation order.

According to The Guardian, his lawyer, Godwin Buwa, believes that the move against Cecil is due to the government’s unhappiness with his court case being dismissed.

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