A US-style Christian-based seminar to “help” people who are living with “unwanted same-sex attraction” and their families is set to take place in Pretoria later this week.
Hosted by André Bekker from New Living Way Ministry, the three day seminar promises to present participants with “causes” of same-sex attraction and to show them the “way out of brain bondage” and “spiritual bondage”.
Bekker, who says he’s studied theology but is not an ordained pastor, told Mambaonline that the seminar is the first one of its kind that he’s hosting.
“It’s for people who want to understand same-sex attraction from a Christian perspective,” he said.
Bekker insisted that he doesn’t claim that the seminar will ‘cure’ gay people but that “they will understand that we don’t believe that people are born that way”.
He adds: “They can, according to a Christian perspective, live according to their values.”
Bekker admitted that he isn’t a psychologist or psychiatrist but said that he has had “some psychology training and did training with international institutions that deal with same-sex attraction”.
Describing himself as a “theological counsellor,” he explained that among his qualifications to host the seminar is his claim that he has overcome his own same-sex attraction.
“I was 39 years in the gay world. I have experience of both sides of it. I went through therapy with it and I am not attracted to the same-sex anymore.”
The New Living Way Ministry’s services appear similar to those offered by US-based groups, including weekend retreats “to minister to the needs of people with unwanted same-sex attraction”.
The ministry’s website has links to American reparative therapy organisations, including the notorious Family Research Institute, which has been described as an anti-gay “hate group’ for its “continued demonization of LGBT people and [its] shoddy and suspect research methods”.
Fees for the New Living Way Ministry’s services range from R350 per person for the seminar to R800 for a camp.
A concerned member of the LGBT community, JJ Engelbrecht was approached by Bekker to attend a weekend camp and reacted with anger. He accused Bekker of claiming to ‘cure homosexuality’ “for monetary gain”.
Engelbrecht added that he believes that this is an infringement of his human rights and “should be declared illegal in South Africa”.
Xander Flemming, Health Manager and Counselling Psychologist at OUT Well-being in Pretoria, condemned the seminar, saying that these kinds of interventions could lead to suicide.
He said that people usually attempted to change their sexual orientation due to “shame, guilt and negative emotions linked to homophobia, prejudice, pressure to conform and constant messaging that it is ‘wrong’ to be gay or lesbian”.
Flemming explained that people often felt the need to “fit in with a hetero-normative societal model and stereotypes regarding masculinity and femininity”.
He said that the correct strategy to deal with these issues is to “provide affirmative support where homosexuality is viewed as constructive and compatible with psychological well-being”.
Despite warnings from South African and leading international psychiatric groups, Bekker denies that his ‘counselling’ could damage those struggling with their sexuality.
The South African Society of Psychiatrists says that it “opposes any psychiatric treatment such as ‘reparative’ or ‘conversion’ therapy designed to change a person’s sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual”.
It further states that it supports the American Psychiatric Association’s stance that “this type of therapy can be destructive,” adding that “reparative therapy runs the risk of harming patients by causing depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behaviour”.
“I understand what major psychological institutions say about it, but even they admit that no-one knows what the cause [of homosexuality] is,” said Bekker. “We believe that it is good for us to be available for those people who have a desire to deal with their sexuality.”
Bekker told Mambaonline that while he was prepared to ‘help’ minors with unwanted same-sex attraction he “will not deal with anyone against his own will – even if it is a minor”.
There is a growing focus by LGBT groups on barring reparative therapy when it comes to minors. The US state of California recently moved to ban this kind of ‘counselling’ for anyone under the age of 18.
he is not attracted as he is impotent now
these seminars are actually a way to find sexual partners. these people get off on the guilt.
This so-called cure may minimise same-sex attraction for bisexuals who are predominantly attracted to women, but I don’t think you could call it a “cure” for guys who are predominantly gay.
M – how about a guy who was an actor who stared in gay porn movies, was a gay prostitute in California and never had a sexual feeling for women who now has no homosexual feelings and is now married? Or a gay rights protester who stormed a conference offering healing and is now married with no homosexual feelings where before he was in a gay relationship with no interest in women? Or a guy who was in a gay relationship and represented his country in the Gay Games and is now married, with children and little or no homosexual feelings? Or a man who was a youth worker who worked with gay/lesbian/bisexual children, was in a long term relationship with a guy who now has not had any homosexual feelings and is now dating a female? All of these went through some type of therapy for unwanted same sex attractions and are now straight. How do I know – I am one of them. You can deny that we exist but you can not change the facts. I WAS gay NOW I am straight.
Of course he will damage some innocent fellow struggling with life. The only seminar of any worth is one to embrace those who need help and actually help them out the closet. We ARE born this way…stop trying to fuck with nature…for goodness sake!!!
D – Have you heard of the Human Genome Project? They have mapped the human genome and guess what – they say there is no gay gene. Why, because there is no evidence for it. As for the gay brain, no one (even the original researcher) have repeated the experiment to find a gay part of the brain. If homosexuality was biological then we would see identical twins where one is gay the other being gay in around 80% not the 12% shown in research. How can homosexuality be natural if only 12 in 100 pairs of identical twins are both twins gay. The reality is that people who were gay are now not and nothing people like you can say can change that truth.
Berta, have you been to one of these seminars? Jock, why do you lash out at someone for making is or her own desicions? All I read here are people lashing out a someone for making a choice. Have you ever sat down and tried to see the person going for councelings point of view? Let each person decide if they want to change or not. There are thousands of people who changed because they wanted to, nothing you can say or do will ever change that. and believe it or not, thay are happy with the decision they made. My point, let each one decide what THEY want to do with HIS/HER own life. Read up on it and see what it’s about, don’t judge others bacause they no longer feel or do not want to feel what you do. We ALL have tio do what we see fit for our own lives. Love each other, don’t judge others by your standards. You have no idea what journey they are on. Hoping for the best for all of you!!!!
So Xander Flemming is worried that the type of therapy Bekker offers could lead to suicide. Does he have similar concerns about therapy for anorexia, drug addiction, depression and other issues – all of which can and have led to those who undertake them to attempt suicide? How about the people who have been through the type of therapy that D says should be given (to help people come out) which has no backing in research to support it as either safe or effective, unlike Bekker’s therapy which has backing to show that it is both as safe and effective as other psychological interventions. If Flemming is not willing to condemn other therapies for carrying the same level of danger as those for unwanted same sex attractions and is willing to promote an unsupported therapy to help people come out not only is he a hypocrite – he, unlike Bekker, is dangerous.
Well said, thank you very much.
I attended the seminar. Everyone was free to go whenever he or she wished to. Those who attended did so out of their own free will. Andre Bekker is not a demagogue – he is balanced and loving. His words “We believe that it is good for us to be available for those people who have a desire to deal with their sexuality” are core value..
Maybe the gay community should do some reading of their own. I attended this seminar and it was all factual, based on documented studies worldwide with the focus on giving people the change to know more. Its so easy to judge and condemn people for their choices. Isnt that what the LGBT community prides itself for? Acceptance and healing. So if I can accept your choices to live a gay lifestyle and go through life on your own terms why cant you accept my choice of feeling that I dont want and feel to be gay and want psyhological help in this regard and see what my options are? That sounds a bit like a double standards in my regard. Do yourself a favour and go read up a bit on the facts. You might not want to change your lifestyle based on that but at least you will be informed of scientific proofs and transcripts about the facts.
And if Mr Flemming can make the statement that people that go through therapy could lead to suicide then why doesnt he also point out the statistics that the life expectancy of a gay lifestyle is round about 50 because of 1) HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, 2) suicides in the gay community because of depression regarding their sexuality.
See its easy to comment and judge. Maybe before one comments we should go look at scientific proven facts. And If I can let you be, then let me be?!
Andre Bekker is such a fraud! Cocksucker that cant wait to get hes hands on young boys.
Hes poor wife and her two boys…
Phelim, you sound like Andre Bekker? Hahahaha! Such a douchbag!
Covering up? Are we?