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Stephen Amell in Arrow

Stephen Amell in Arrow

Stephen Amell, the hunky star of the American TV superhero series Arrow, has made his feelings clear about Russia’s “gay propaganda” law.

Last week, the Canadian-born actor took to Facebook to comment on the show’s run being paused during the broadcast of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia.

“For everyone asking, we’re taking a mini hiatus so people can grit their teeth and suffer through an Olympic games marred by homophobia and mediocre levels of public interest,” he wrote.

Amell went on to add: “Follow up point — Good luck to all the athletes who have worked so hard for so many years and essentially geared their entire life around this opportunity.

“Hopefully, a lot of them will use their success and a public platform to remind everybody this isn’t the stone age,” he said.

While the 31-year-old Amell is (sadly) heterosexual, he’s previously acted in gay shows. In 2005, he appeared in the first season of gay soap series Dante’s Cove and he also had a small role as a spinning instructor in three episodes of the fourth season of Queer as Folk.

Last year, he disagreed with comedy talk show host Chelsea Handler, who told him: “I just want to clarify that you are straight and people should not hit on you if they’re men.”

Amell replied, “People can hit on me if they want to,” to cheers from the audience.

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