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Boyfriends or brothers?
A blog is celebrating the phenomenon of so-called “boyfriend twins” – dating someone that looks just like you!
“Because what’s sexier than dating yourself?” asks the Boyfriendtwin blog, before urging its readers to submit photos of their boyfriend twin.
Some of the couples in the pictures really do look like they’re brothers, not romantic partners.
We can understand that there’s a certain erotic charge that may come with the idea of having sex with your doppelganger, but it’s also a tad creepy.
What do you think? Are boyfriend twins hot or the height of homo narcissism?
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I have yet to meet someone who looks exactly like me. If I did and I liked him. I”d date him. No questions asked.
Scientists have also established that one of the contributing factors to attraction in body- language is mimicry: You do one thing and the person who is trying to persuade you or win your favour, does the same thing.
U could say that this is “mimicry” taken to another level. Only creepy thing with this is the haircuts/clothing style being exact. I wouldn’t be too sold on that.