A scene from the alleged wedding video
Nine men arrested on Saturday on suspicion of appearing in a gay marriage video in Egypt have been subjected to anal tests.
According to Daily News Egypt, the men appeared in the video, filmed in April, in which they are seen apparently celebrating a same-sex wedding on a boat.
The video has been posted on YouTube and shows the male couple appearing to exchange rings and then kissing and hugging each other while their friends cheer them on.
The men, including presumably the alleged “grooms”, were arrested by police and will be charged with “inciting debauchery”.
The authorities said in a statement that the video “violates public decency” and “harms the society”.
Most shockingly, it was revealed that the men have been forced to undergo invasive anal exams to gauge if they had engaged in anal sex.
These tests have been condemned by human rights groups as torture and human rights violations, while medical experts have dismissed their results as inconclusive and useless.
Hisham Abdel Hamid, spokesman for the police’s forensic department, said that the tests had shown that the men are “not homosexuals”.
The medical report has been sent to prosecutors as part of the ongoing investigation into what the authorities labelled “a devilish shameless party”.
In May, it was reported that at least 77 people had been arrested on charges of homosexuality in the previous eight months in Egypt. Sentences included three to nine years in prison.
Same-sex marriage is not legal in Egypt. While homosexuality is not specifically outlawed, gay people are targeted through immorality or public indecency laws.
Egypt has repeatedly rejected efforts by the United Nations to support the right to equality of LGBTI people.
In June 2012, an Egyptian delegation told the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva that sexual orientation “is not part of the universally recognised human rights.”
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