South Africa’s defiant gay hate pastor: “Lock me up!”

The Rev. Oscar Peter Bougardt (Pic: Facebook)
Despite having signed a court order not to make anti-gay comments, Cape Town’s Pastor Oscar Bougardt shows no sign of letting up on his appalling homophobia.
Over the last few months the cleric has contributed a host of shockingly hateful comments on Mambaonline articles.
These include writing: “I won’t be surprised if Pope Francis is gay, or if he was one of the priest who raped altar boys in his younger days.”
Bougardt also stated that homosexuality “is a curse and a disgrace”, that gay people are “perverts” and that “homosexual relationships are from [the] pit of hell and homosexuals are hell bound.”
In an article about a Senegalese journalist jailed for six months on homosexuality charges, he commented: “Six months too short for animal like behaviour. We need more countries that is bold enough to take a stance against perverts.”
On US County Clerk Kim Davis, Bougardt wrote: “Forcing a God fearing Lady to sign off marriage licenses of homosexual perverts. We will continue to pray for this servant of God.”
In July, he applauded anti-gay comments by Nigeria’s president: “If I was the president of my country I will lock them in cages where they belong. They behave worst than animals in bed, and don’t even deserve a prison Cell with criminals, they belong in a cage.”
Most shocking of all, Bougardt appeared to support the cold-blooded murder of gays and lesbians.
In response to a September 22 report about the execution of nine men and a boy for homosexuality by Isis radicals, Bougardt wrote: “We need Isis to come to countries who are homosexual friendly. Isis. Please come rid South Africa of homosexual curse.”
These statements appear to blatantly contravene the settlement order Bougard signed in August 2014 with the Equality Court in Bloemfontein in a hate speech case brought against him by the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC). The agreement followed a mediation process that he requested.
In the settlement, the pastor was “interdicted from publishing statements that are discriminatory or incite hatred or harm on the grounds of sexual orientation.”
Bougardt said in the agreement that he was “truly sorry” for making his anti-gay statements and acknowledged that his comments were “likely to encourage hatred and cause emotional, psychological and physical harm” to members of the gay and lesbian community.
He also asked “those who he has offended to forgive him” and undertook “not to make such statements in the future.”
Mambaonline has contacted the SAHRC and made them aware of Bougardt’s continued anti-gay slurs and flouting of the agreement.
Spokesperson Isaac Mangena told us that, “If the comments are true, then they would be in violation of the order of the court.”
“The SAHRC will have to assess these allegations, investigate and determine next steps. In this regard, we will have to engage with legal counsel as well to determine whether the court order has been violated,” he added.
Bougardt has confirmed to Mambaonline telephonically and via e-mail that he was behind the comments but appears to have little concern about the ramifications.
In a brief phone call on Monday, the pastor said, “I am not concerned whatsoever.” He explained that he visits Mambaonline and comments on articles “because you post negative things about me.”
“I think we are living in a free South Africa. There is no hate speech to it. I’m just expressing myself,” insisted Bougardt.
He added, “I don’t care if you lock me up.” With regard to his comment about Isis on Mambaonline he denied that this suggested “that they must come and kill homosexuals.”
Pierre LeRoux-DuPisani, one of the original complainants against the pastor, told Mambaonline that he will lay another complaint against Bougard with the SAHRC.
He said that he’s “appalled” at the manner in which Bougardt has violated the court order.
“This just goes to show that he is not repentant and that his ‘sincere apology’ was insincere and were just words he said to get off the hook,” argued LeRoux-DuPisani.
“He still maintains that homosexuals should die and be executed. It is also utterly shocking that he suggested that Isis should mobilise in South Africa to do exactly that. This is ironic as Isis has on numerous occasions executed Christians and continues to do so,” said LeRoux-DuPisani.
Bougardt first launched his crusade against homosexuality in October 2011 by stating that Archbishop Desmond Tutu would burn in hell for supporting the LGBT community and claiming that most gays and lesbians are drug addicts and child molesters.
He went on to send a string of provocative e-mails to gay groups and media, including Mambaonline, and stated that he supports the execution of homosexuals.
In an e-mail in September 2012, he wrote that gay people are “to blame for all sex attacks on children, because people who kill and molest children have a homosexual background.”
Mambaonline has offered to provide evidence of Bougardt’s recent statements to the SAHRC, including IP addresses and the e-mail address used. The SAHRC has yet to request these or to say when it will look into the matter.
How it takes action, or fails to do so, against the pastor could either strengthen or undermine the SAHRC’s credibility when it comes to LGBT equality and the value of orders issued by the Equality Court.
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Mambaonline is twisting my comments to sound as if I am a monster. I never said ISIS should kill anyone. The comments i wrote not all was in responds to article they wrote and i commented. I don’t hate anyone I comment on issue written by Mambaonline. If they write and publish an article itcis in the public domain and I have to comnent. If I dont comment in the way they want me comment tough luck, we have freedom of speach. Let me say it clear i dont hate any person i preach against sin, and homosexuals dont want to hear their lifestyle is disgraceful and sinful. Why try to gag me? Everytime i say something against i am made out to be a pig. Homosexuals are not the chosen nation they must know that their lufestyle is an abomination to God. They have the right to live in their rekationships in this country, i have the right to say i dont approve of their lifestyle. I have not solicited any group or person to commit any crime against any human.
I rue the day when you discover that a child of yours identify as LBGT…. Sir to you I say #shashayaway
As a man of God, why don’t you just do the right thing and advise homosexuals to accept Jesus as the saviour instead of judging and condemning us. Is your life free from sin? You are spreading hatred, dear Pastor, instead of the Word of God. Shame on you!
Your stupidity comes as a shock even to you, and its “SPEECH” not “SPEACH” it’s the saddest day in hell when we see people like you who go around putting people down on the bases of their sexuality, all in the name of glorifying God. this is the reason why most gay people don’t bother going to churches anymore. the sole purpose of church was for people to have a place to go to, to praise God and find solace in the word. People like you give church folks a bad name, hell should welcome you with warm arms, as anointed as we are led to believe you are and now this. I should be embarrassed to even call myself a man of God if I was you. You are a disgrace to Christianity SIR!!!
Once again hate speech is flung at a minority group (LGBT) who are harming no one else, yet a religious bigot and a so called pastor on top of it, decides he is God and can judge. Well let’s hope that the SAHRC do act on his previous record, as he has proved he was totally insincere and should now face a court and get put where he belongs, behind bars. Maybe that’s his deep desire as we all know what happens in a prison. To incite hate and call for a terrorist group to come to South Africa to rid (kill) the country of homosexuals is a criminal offense. Times have changed Oscar (you don’t deserve the title Pastor), you live in a country where we (LGBT) have rights, if you don’t like the LGBT community stay away from them. If you are so secure in your own sexuality there should be no need for you to take it out on anyone else, most homophobic people are just so bitter that they cannot express their deep down desire to be with someone of the same sex, so they hate the very people they desperately want to be a part of. Think about that Oscar! I am an atheist so don’t bother responding that I will go to hell, I am quite happy with that, I love everyone as long as they are not harming another human being or animal, you in the other hand are a hateful, bigot. Christians are meant to love not hate!
” most homophobic people are just so bitter that they cannot express their deep down desire to be with someone of the same sex, so they hate the very people they desperately want to be a part of”. Pastor – I rest my case. You have a very deep rooted problem. I wonder how your LBGT congregation members feel?
Your stupidity comes as a shock even to you, and its “SPEECH” not “SPEACH” it’s the saddest day in hell when we see people like you who go around putting people down on the bases of their sexuality, all in the name of glorifying God. this is the reason why most gay people don’t bother going to churches anymore. the sole purpose of church was for people to have a place to go to, to praise God and find solace in the word. People like you give church folks a bad name, hell should welcome you with warm arms, as anointed as we are led to believe you are and now this. I should be embarrassed to even call myself a man of God if I was you. You are a disgrace to Christianity SIR!!!
I will reserve my comments for the SAHRC and this time I will not be accepting any insincere apologies.
Homosexuality might be a sin, but as we know amd as stated… No sin is greater than the other, and who are we to judge anyway… There is only One. Almighty God who has the right to judge and if He sees fit to punish He will do so. Why stress and cause hatred because of something that is not affecting us as individuals.
There were three of us who filed the original case against him with the SAHRC… LeRoux-DuPisani, Juan Coetzee and David Ross Patient…and we were all told we could not comment publicly about the case… well if he can still be doing his ‘thing’ I think we ned to escalate our tactic against this bigoted asshole..
A pastor with hatred in his heart… He does not deserve to wear that cross against his heart… Just sad!
I am deeply distressed by Bogardt’s comments and also his flagrant disregard of the dignity and rights of LGBT persons. In addition his disrespect of the laws of this country is shocking and unacceptable, particularly from someone who purports to be a pastor and, one is lead to assume, should therefore know better.
Not only is the ISIS comment on its own undoubtedly intended to cause harm toward the LGBT community of South Africa and thus equates to hate speech, I do believe other comments he makes infringe on the right to have one’s dignity protected and respected. If one visit’s Bougardt’s publically accessible Facebook page, one will see that he has made numerous anti-gay comments and posts in the past 2 months alone. While a single post or comment might not amount to an infringement, one must consider the frequency and repetition of the negative comments and continual targeting of homosexuals to deduce he has a specific campaign of hatred underway. His comments, either singularly or in toto are harmful. He needs to be made aware of the seriousness of his actions and held accountable.
P.S. For clarity: Bogardt actually operates 3 Facebook pages from where he publishes anti-gay comments under the names “Rev Oscar Peter Bougardt”, “Rev OP Bougardt” and the most currently active being under the name “Oscar Peter Bougardt”. He also disseminates his anti-gay comments via the Twitter handle @pastoropb
His an attention seeking Pastor hoping to use discrimination against the LGBTIQ community to further his career as a Pastor. Why don’t you rather encourage your follower to lead a healthier eating lifestyle and start by losing weight and being and example. Last I checked, gluttony was a sin too
As far as i know, gluttony is also a deadly sin? Stay AWAY from the mcdonalds pastor !
closets, closets, closets!
Do you know what the colour of spirit month is Pastor? It’s purple. Purple was also the colour of the robes thrown on Jesus Christ before he was mocked and punished for being the King of the Jews. How fitting a colour of royalty to a King above all else.
Your fear and continued support of the site only proves you have a tumultuous past, possibly and very likely riddled with ex lgbtiqa+ love interests who probably didnt approve of your lifestyle. Your actions warrant backlash and outrage indicative of rejection. I apologise on behalf of all your past homosexual and otherwise encounters that have left you scorned and at the least from my perspective I can assure you we will not shame or discriminate you on the person you are.
PS. wearing a cross and reading a bible does not entitle you to call yourself a Christian.
To you Pastor “insignificant” May you find the light of the lord and hopefully let it lead you into a) realising how damaging your childish and immoral comments are and b) may it lead you to becoming a Christian.
One should never give these scum any attention at all. Ignore them.
i think the pastor is gay and who is he to judge he is not God.
He can’t be gay – he’s far too ugly! Or perhaps he’s an ugly lonely closet gay. Shame.