Porn boxer now says he’s gay

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Yusaf Mack (Pic:

Yusaf Mack (Pic:

American boxer Yusaf Mack, who starred in a gay adult video, has now come out as gay.

He had first claimed that he was straight and had been drugged to appear in the video, and then that he was bisexual.

In a new interview with the Fox 29 channel in Philadelphia, Mack said: “I’m gay. I’m tired of holding it in, it is what it is, I live my life. I’m gay.”

The father of ten children, who until recently was engaged to a woman, also said that he had known he is gay for “about eight years.”

He said of his now ex-fiancée: “She was good to me, I was good to her, but it was a lie.”

Mack explained that he decided to make the porn film because he “was down and out”, adding, “I asked friends, they wouldn’t help me, so I did what I had to do.”

He never expected the video to be widely seen and said the ensuing media exposure had left him feeling suicidal.

Tragically, he revealed that his 23-year-old daughter had urged him to kill himself because he had embarrassed the family.

“You gonna like me or love me regardless. I’m still me. So when you see me on the streets, I’m still Yusaf Mack,” he said on an upbeat note.

After his explicit three-way video on the website came to light, Mack told the media that he didn’t remember filming the scenes because he’d been drugged by someone on the set.

He later admitted he had lied after the website threatened to sue him.

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