Author Archive

FORMER MR GAY SA FINALIST SEARCHES FOR POSITIVE HERO: A former Mr Gay South Africa finalist has launched a remarkable initiative to find a new HIV 
SANDTON CELEBRATES 25TH JOHANNESBURG PRIDE: The 25th annual Johannesburg Pride took place in Sandton on Saturday. Hundreds of people participated in a
JUDGE DISMISSES DEWANI RENT BOY WITNESS: After flying all the way to South Africa to testify, a British-based fetish rent boy has been dismissed as a witness
ELTON JOHN SUPPORTS SA’S GAY & BI MEN: Music legend and philanthropist Sir Elton John has announced a major boost in efforts to tackle HIV
GAY RIGHTS ACTIVISTS CHARGED FOR KISSING IN PUBLIC: Six gay rights activists in Italy are being prosecuted for kissing during a demonstration in March.
Porn star DJ to headline Fireman’s Ball 2014: The Fireman’s Ball has come a long way since its humble beginnings back in 2007 and is now the biggest
NIGERIA: COURT REJECTS STRAIGHT MAN’S ANTI-GAY LAW CHALLENGE: Nigeria’s Federal High Court in Abuja has thrown out an attempt to
74-YEAR-OLD LESBIAN WINS RIGHT TO BE BURIED WITH WIFE: A 74-year-old American Navy veteran has won her battle to be laid to rest with her late wife
RELIEF AS UGANDA LGBT DUO AVOID LIFE IN JAIL: A Ugandan gay man and a trans woman are finally free after a Kampala court dismissed the charges against them
LGBT JAMAICANS FACE “INTOLERABLE” LEVELS OF VIOLENCE: A new report has revealed that gay and lesbian Jamaicans live in constant fear of physical