Author Archive

SA POLICE BEING TRAINED ON RIGHTS OF LGBT PEOPLE: South Africa’s Deputy Police Minister Maggie Sotyu has revealed that police are being trained
REPORT: UGANDAN LESBIAN IN COMA AFTER MOB AMBUSH: A Ugandan lesbian activist is in a coma after she was apparently lured into an ambush and was attacked
JUSTICE EDWIN CAMERON DEFENDS MALEMA: South Africa’s openly gay Constitutional Court Justice Edwin Cameron has defended controversial politician Julius
COURT UPHOLDS BAN ON GAY CURE THERAPIES FOR MINORS: A US Court of Appeals has upheld California’s ban on efforts to change the sexual orientation
AL-QAEDA KILLS GAYS IN YEMEN: AP has reported that Al-Qaeda gunmen have gunned down a man in Yemen because they believed that he was gay. “Armed Al-Qaeda
CAPE TOWN FASHION WEEK 2013 MENSWEAR GALLERY: A striking set of collections from designers such as Craig Port, David Tlale and Ruald Rheeder saw menswear
GAY MURDERS CONTINUE IN JAMAICA: Following the recent killing of a trans teen in Jamaica comes a report of another possibly homophobic murder, this time of a
RUSSIAN ACTIVIST QUITS AMIDST BIZARRE BEHAVIOUR: Nikolai Alexeyev, often described as Russia’s leading LGBT rights activist, has apparently
COCA-COLA DEFENDS SPONSORSHIP OF RUSSIAN OLYMPIC GAMES: Coca-Cola has responded to protests against its sponsorship of the upcoming Olympic Winter
QWELANE TO USE CONSTITUTION TO DEFEND HIMSELF: The hate speech case against homophobic journalist Jon Qwelane is set to continue to drag on into its sixth