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David Bahati

A protest will be held in Johannesburg on Sunday to coincide with a visit to South Africa by David Bahati, the author of the Ugandan gay-death bill.

According to the Lesbian and Gay Equality Project (LGEP), Bahati will be the country to take part in a television panel discussion debating gay rights on the continent, filmed by the BBC.

Bahati, a born again Christian, is the MP for the constituency of Ndorwa West and is a member of Uganda’s ruling party.

His Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which remains pending in Uganda’s parliament, would impose the death penalty on anyone who has consensual and safe sex with an HIV positive person or if found repeatedly guilty of “homosexual acts”.

He has also played a key role in inciting the ongoing anti-gay climate in Uganda which many believe led to the recent murder of activist David Kato.

LGEP called on activists, organisations and concerned individuals in Gauteng to join the protest.

“Bahati must be held personally responsible for the murder of Kato and the ongoing persecution of many others in Uganda simply on the basis of their sexuality and gender identity,” said LGEP.

It added: “This is a picket to send one clear message to Bahati, a message he must keep with him whilst in Johannesburg, in Uganda and everywhere he goes for the rest of his life! We say to Bahati: We are all David Kisule Kato! We are all Ugandan queers! We are queer, African and proud!”

The picket will take place outside the recording studios of Urban Brew, on 28 Harley Street, Ferndale, from 11.30am to 3.30pm on Sunday, 27 February.

The organisers added that the picket is not against the BBC or the producers of the show.

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