Popular Highveld Stereo DJ Anele Mdoda has been accused of making transphobic and “dehumanising” comments about a Canadian transgender pageant contestant during one of her shows.
Mdoda allegedly made the on-air comments on April 11 while discussing the controversy surrounding Jenna Talackova, a transgender woman who was initially disqualified from the Miss Universe Canada pageant but was later allowed to take part.
According to transgender rights activists, Mdoda and her co-host questioned how a “man” could take part in a women’s pageant and asked where Talackova hid her “male” parts when parading in a bathing costume. They also allegedly referred to her as an “it”.
A number of individuals who heard the comments laid complaints against Highveld, which is owned by Primedia, with the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA).
“What Anele has effectively done is dehumanise an amazing girl who by rights has had to earn her gender, sex and sexuality all of which are given to the rest of the world for free at birth,” said Adrienne Visser, one of the complainants.
“The thing everyone else takes for granted she has had to fight for and prove every day of her life to people such as Anele.”
“Part of what makes transgender women want to take part in beauty pageants is to affirm their new-founded gender identity and as a celebration of their femininity,” added Leigh Ann van der Merwe, founder of Social Health and Empowerment Coalition for Trans women in Africa (SHE).
“What appals me about the radio personalities’ comments was the manner in which they dehumanised a transgender woman. Before beauty titles, careers, social roles, before anything else, we are human beings.”
According to Visser, requests for transcripts of the show from the Johannesburg-based radio station have been refused.
The BCCSA has scheduled an informal tribunal on June 5 in which the complainants will present their complaints directly to the commission, with representatives of Primedia also present.
An online petition has been set up calling for the BCCSA to enforce its code of conduct.
The campaign has been backed by organisations including SHE, Transgender and Intersex Africa and Gender Dynamix.
Mdoda was previously teamed up with openly-gay DJ Grant Nash at 5FM and has deejayed at a number of Joburg Pride after parties.
Talackova, who has undergone gender reassignment surgery and is legally a woman, finally competed in the Miss Universe Canada pageant on the weekend. She failed to take the title but was placed in the top 12 and won the Miss Congeniality award.
Oh please, do we really have to complain about everything. Everything is taken out of context lately when it come to comments by innocent poeple. Surely there are reason to lay a complaint when it is clearly from a place of hate but Anele is now and have always been a huge supporter of LGBT. Give her a break. She is awesome and know that she clearly didnt mean it in a derogatory way.
Yes, in this instance we do need to complain. Her comments (if true) were extremely rude and ignorant.This is a human being who has had to fight to be a woman and this ignoramous calls her male and an it.? And that is fine with you? Disgusting. I hope she gets fired. When you are a public figure you need to have some brains.
Wayne seriously?? You think Anele is disgusting and should be fired? Anele is a HUGE supporter of the LGBTI community! She is a complete Fag Hag! Did she err in saying what she did? Yes but it did not come from a place of hate! Ignorance perhaps but not hate. When an ALLY like her blunders, we as her friends should explain and educate not dismiss and hate! A bit more compassion please – a good person who supports our community made a mistake.
I agree with Wayne, she made a big mistake and should apoligise and that is it.
Agreed with Wayne. Her conduct is appalliing and she should be disciplined for it.
@jj – dude, there is a ‘T’ in LGBT…. do you see it?
Well JJ I don’t think you would have thought it was so ok if she said bad things about gays. (I’m assuming you are gay) But somehow she is innocent when she badmouths a transperson? Another thing that once happened on Highveld stereo that I lost it about…. The drivetime DJ made a rapsong that included the words “stinks like a tranny” …… No apology from them.
The DJ should be educated on transgenderism and intersex persons. Transphobia is as reprehensible as homophobia.
… but I suppose she fights for black equality – and women’s rights. Typical.
This is just sad now there is acceptance issues accept the gays not the trans,i ma so tired of people with egos who think they can make or break us but the truth is it only makes us stronger and eager to Campaign for our rights and freedoms they take for granted,Gosh the Dj Diva got it coming to her,,,its the 21st century people should know and start accepting the Reality that Sexual oroientation is there with the many gender identeties as a person that deals with public and different communities its Sad how she Neglects her understanding of the LGBTI and only concentrates on the LG i think so we are open for thier vail Attacks,i for one will not allow my sister be it in Canada,Africa where ever in the world to be sunjected to such Utter stupidity,i am angry so let me calm down.thank you all for an eye opener
Its really sad that ppl dehumanise others in this way !!!
For a woman who is a renown fag hag Im suprised she would be so stupid to offend her largest fan base goes to show even our supposed “allies” can be just as bad as the rest. I had no idea DJ Grant was out, but I could tell he was gay… He is kinda cute*wink*
She should have stayed at 5FM – she is the worst host on Highveld!
Appalling… pls keep us posted on this… its like saying overweight people can’t be models… or be on TV, which she is… with her big self and all..