Homophobic Western Cape Pastor Oscar Bougardt is at it again. This time he’s claiming that Oscar Pistorius was cursed “for openly supporting homosexuals”.
Seemingly unmoved by complaints laid against him with the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), Bougardt appears intent on continuing to publish his virulently anti-gay tirades on Facebook.
In his most recent outburst, the shock cleric commented on the disgraced Pistorius being dropped from the ‘It Gets Better South Africa’ gay youth campaign following the athlete’s arrest for the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day.
Bougardt wrote that “Oscar was one of those sport stars who supported the filthy lifestyle of homosexuals.”
He went on to say: “Barely a week after he was charged with murder, the same homosexual organizations he supported dropped him from Gay youth activities. The very same people he supported, dropped him like a hot potato.
“I believe that Oscar Pistorius is cursed for openly supporting Homosexuals. According to the Holy Word of God, homosexuality is an abomination to God, and any person who supports homosexuals are doomed for hell,” said the cleric.
The comments led to wave of outrage from hundreds of members of the LGBT community on Facebook, with well-known attorney Coenie Kukkuk commenting: “This is a transgression of the laws of SA. Not only is it defamatory, it is also hate speech.”
The pastor’s homophobic rant appears to have now been removed by Facebook.
Bougardt, a senior pastor at Calvary H.O.P.E Ministries in Mitchells Plain, first launched his media crusade against homosexuality in October 2011 by stating that Archbishop Desmond Tutu will burn in hell for supporting the LGBT community.

Since then he’s sent a string of provocative e-mails to gay groups and media, including Mambaonline, and has repeatedly stated that he supports the execution of homosexuals.
In an e-mail in September 2012, he wrote that gay people are “to blame for all sex attacks on children, because people who kill and molest children have a homosexual background”.
In November 2012, forensic investigator and blogger Pierre Le Roux lodged a formal complaint with the SAHRC over the pastor’s hateful diatribes.
In an e-mail to the SAHRC on Monday, Le Roux asked the commission to add Bougardt’s latest comments to his earlier complaint.
Mambaonline has requested confirmation from the SAHRC that it is taking its investigation into Bougardt forward but has not yet received a response.
This guy is SUCH a chop!
A chop you can still appreciate, a dork tastes like shit.
Oscar Peter Bougardt, if you want to look for blame other than “yourself” look at religion in itself! Homosexual activity in the vatican. Come on! It’s so easy to blame everything else except the evil person who actually does these evil deeds. Don’t talk about stuff you know NOTHING about.
Mat 7:15, 20-23 (NIV) “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves… Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them… Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evil doers!'”
To me it is SO obvious that this guy is another in the Cardinal O Brien (and countless priests) mould. Someone just needs to find the boys in the Cape flats that he is abusing and get them to tell their stories. I wish there was an investigative journalist willing to take it on. It would finish him in 5 minutes.
Vee@ the vatican and the pastor are not in the same league to tell him to look at the vatican sex offences is like telling a lion to learn to eat the goats way. on the other hand it is true that the bible does sanctions homosexuality , yet in Christ all sin is payed, also a unbeliever should not be expected to live according to a believer’s standards. i do not second gay marriage, bcause a gay doing “christian marriage is like that same lion actually eating the way a goat does, it’ll only destroys
Marriage is NOT about religion – it is a LEGAL process and is about LEGAL rights. Even a church minister need a license from the state in order to conduct legally-binding marriages – no god or goddess can offer such a license. Get your facts straight – most gays want the LEGAL right to marry, not your meaningless christian wedding ritual that invariably ends in divorce.
I will have to burn in hell then as I will always support my gay friends and family.
I suggest we take up the emails and start to demand action from the SAHRC. There email addresses are on their website. This must cease.
I like the idea of making a donation to an LGBTI organisation in his name – citing his address and contact details – so that he receives letters of thanks from them. Revenge – a dish best eaten cold!
C’mon you hateful piece of work. Use your logic to explain how Reeva desserved to be killed. How her family deserved this heartache.
For a so-called “straight” dude, this pastor knows way too much about what goes on in ‘gay circles”. I wonder where his fascination with all things gay comes from. I’ll bet my left ball this guy is a closet case waiting for a scandalous public outing.
When next the right Rev. Oscar Peter Bougardt cruises the cottages, he best make sure all the lights are on and that the door of his cottage remains OPEN! This biggoted excuse for a man best ask his god for forgiveness, before someone teaches him a lesson he seems to want to learn! Idiot!!!!
So Rev. Oscar,when are you going to admit that you are a closet queen??? And a damb ugly one at that!
Freedom of Speech is perfect because it allows people to highlight themselves as one type of character while others who say things otherwise refer to themselves in another way. Reading the Rev Oscars facebook message carefully i cannot see anything that constitutes hate speech or defamation, rather i see speech of a hateful man defaming himself to others who oppose his ‘right to an opinion’. I say this because one of the countries i most admire in terms of their constitutional ethics is the United States. What i noted their was that by upholding freedom of speech you encourage public discourse, rather than keep it insidiously underground. For this forum, i say relax, or reach out to people within his community and provide a convincing and alternative opinion.
This is a person who teaches “values” to our communities, our childern…who will grow up to hate and discriminate…this man is not from GOD but from hell itself! Perhaps he wants all homosexuals to go to hell so he could find fir future boyfriend there? Look into his eyes, this man has no soul…
Rev. Bougardt is disparaging himself. Making himself look like a bimbo.
Controversy was just too much of a temptation for this sad man!
and has repeatedly stated that he supports the execution of homosexuals.
sjoe Rev, I don’t want to stand next to you on judgement day neh! Djy gaat BRAND boetie!
Where can I find this guy (and his church)’s details? I want to highlight his hipocrasy to the church. This is a tantalising example of why I am an atheist.
It’s not worth you anger, they are the people who should be removed from society. I have experience…
This stupid FUCK is still on some pulpit? I hope someone places a banana skin in his way up his “pulpit” and he breaks his neck. Die fokker wat dink hy is beter as ander sal ek in die HEL sien. I hope you have some life tragedy that will bring to mind all of the pain, discrimination and unlove you preach. You deserve to have your children raped and mowed down in front of you, your wife disemboweled and your genitals shoved up your anus and down your throat. And that would be light punishment. You are a disgrace to humanity, a SURE reason why I do not ascribe to religion, and deserve the most heinous death that one could suffer. I hope sincerely that hell exists for fucktards like you.
Bet you he stands with his prick in his hand while reading this…
Measure others and you will be measured….
Jaco, the majority stands to trial. They will pay the price for their judgment…
Again, my mantra: Religion poisons FUCKING everything!!! Period!!!
In SA an imbecile born every minute – get over yourself dork !
So, Rev O. You have the authority to send and/or have ppl executed??? . I sincerely hope u never have kids/grandkids that are gay one day.
You call yourself a Pastor/Rev, since when did you come down to earth thinking you are GOD ? surely you are the last person supposed to judge other people. The God i know does not judge people and forgives all our sins so where do you get off judging. Why not keep yourself busy with trying to save souls and rather bring people closer to God instead of judging them. Thank heavens you are not the pastor of my church because then the church would be empty. I would be ashamed if i were you and hope you ask forgivness from ou Lord.
Fantastic Louise – What a pity he doesn’t know God’s love. The poor soul does not know he is giving God a bad name.
Where’s the love Pastor? You have so much hatred, it’s shocking. Who are you to judge gay people, they are humans with emotions, unlike you. You need to ask God for forgiveness. Being kind to others & loving them is what my God is all about. You have a lot to learn.
First time tragedy, now turned to farce…the ‘other’ Oscar is wrong on all counts!
Where does this guy get his ideas from. He needs to look more closer to home and help people suffering with A I D S and malleria. It is a shame that one of the richest countries in the world can have so much poverty. So would it not be a good idea for a religious man to got off his high horse and help his own. Instead of dissing other bieliefs. How can he call himself a Holy man. He should be disgraced and brought down to his knees. There are a lot of sports personallities and famouse stars who support gay Groups and charities.
Ok I’m not going to bother with opinions and facts with this guy anymore its what he wants this is his form of mental masturbation with us. From here on in for every comment that someone has regarding this guy I will give out PORN SITE LINKS IN PROTEST!!! I urge u all to join me. Instead of words, piss this guy off by putting on porn links… Lord knows he will go on them. Lets start with a few… now ur turn:-D
One has to question the motivation behind the good pastors hatred of homosexuals. I wonder if, as an altar boy, he didn’t get to close to the papal rod of redemption?
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I smell a rat! Often people carrying dual titles of pastor and reverend are most likely self-proclaimed “clerics” who underwent limited, biased or superficial theological training that excludes any hermeneutic of suspicion, let alone a contextual interpretation and application of the original Hebrew and Greek texts used in the bible. Such characters prey on uneducated and indoctrinated followers who never challenge situations or those in authority lest they “go against God Him self”. Typically such pastors take an original text out of context and use it suit their own agenda. The use of law and rules over love and grace typifies their character and use of their position. Get educated, people! The untold stories are yet to be uncovered and much wrongdoing will need undoing. Liberation Theology, Feminist Theology, Gay Theology, Environmental Theology etc require an understanding of many points of view to empower an educated, informed and qualified judgement. Get smart – get informed!
Mens moet die kruiswoorde vir hom gebruik: Vergeef hom want weet nie waste kak hy praat nie