Last year’s Johannesburg Pride in Sandton
The organisers behind last year’s Johannesburg Pride continue to be embroiled in controversy, with the event’s finances and management now being questioned.
Mambaonline has learned that the venue at which the event was held, the Sandton Sports Club, is in debt to one of its suppliers, apparently because Joburg Pride has not paid its bills to the club.
According to the Club Manager Dewalt Viljoen, the venue is struggling to pay beverage supplier ABI, which has threatened to take legal action over an outstanding bill of R58,250.
Viljoen told Mambaonline that while the 26 October Pride event brought in around R181,000 it cost over R230,000 to put on, resulting in a loss of almost R50,000. He explained that in total the Pride organisers owe the club R67,022.
This amount consists of beverages and food costs on account (R3,522), loans from the club to Pride to pay artists and DJs that performed on the day (R13,500), and R50,000 for the venue rental.
Viljoen insisted that he wants to try to come to a resolution with the organisers to avoid things becoming more serious but claims that Johannesburg Pride Project Manager Kaye Ally has been extremely difficult to pin down and has not answered e-mails or phone calls.
“We’re happy to work on a plan with them. We want to work things out as we want to continue to do future events with the gay community,” said Viljoen. He added that the company managing the club, which is in lease negotiations, could lose the lease due to the outstanding amount owed by Pride.
He said that when he did get hold of Ally, she told him that she was currently in Thailand for six months. Although, when Mambaonline spoke to her telephonically a few days earlier she made no mention that she was overseas.
She said at the time that she was unsure of the details of the problem and that she was planning to meet with the Sports Club a few days later, suggesting that she was in fact in Johannesburg. Almost two weeks later the meeting has still not taken place. In fact, the club says it has not heard from Ally and is no closer to having a resolution to the problem
This week, while Ally failed to respond to phone voicemail messages and a number of questions sent to her, she did message Mambaonline on Facebook claiming that Pride committee members Brian Dickerson and Janis Niewdout, who are also partners, were to blame for the financial woes.
“We are in the process of legal action against Brian Dickerson and Janus Nieuwoudt as they signed the contract to manage the venue, and they have R80K of Pride funding,” she said.
Viljoen told Mambaonline that Ally had earlier also told him that “Brian stole the money.”
Dickerson and Nieuwoudt reacted with outrage at the accusation, insisting that Ally’s claim was an “absolute lie.” Both men said that they left the Pride committee in November after a falling out with Ally, claiming that they “don’t like the way she does business.” In fact, by the time Pride took place in October last year, almost none of the original committee – which saw a regular change of members – remained in place.
“What originally was a laughable matter has quickly become a very big thorn in my side,” said Dickerson, who insisted that neither he nor Nieuwoudt had any funds belonging to Pride. In fact, he claims that Pride still owes them R5,000 from a R20,000 personal payment they made towards supporting the event.
Dickerson said that he believes that Ally is looking for “a scapegoat” because she “over-extended and overestimated herself and her capabilities. Over promising and under delivering seemed to be the motto of the day.”
He said that he is planning to take legal action against Ally for making the claims against him. Dickerson added: “Pride has taken such a knock. It’s so wrong. This will ruin the chances of people wanting to invest in it.”
Ally has not responded to Mambaonline’s questions to explain or detail her allegations against Dickerson and Nieuwoudt or to defend herself against theirs. However, it’s undeniable that her leadership of Johannesburg Pride has been characterised by almost constant controversy since she announced that she would take on the annual event in April last year.
From the very start she was accused of being insensitive by scheduling the event on the same day as Soweto Pride and she regularly butted heads with the organisers of the inaugural People’s Pride and other LGBT activists in the city who called for a more democratic selection of a Pride committee.

Kaye Ally
In September, Ally shocked the community with claims that she had been repeatedly assaulted and threatened by thugs demanding that she cancel the event. The claims were met with a mixture of disbelief, outrage and sympathy and were even reported on by international gay media.
To-date there has been no clarification from Ally on who might have been behind the alleged attacks or what their motives might have been.
Then, in an unexpected move, just days before it was set to take place on 28 September, the event was postponed by a month and moved from the city centre to Sandton; a first for Johannesburg Pride.
Ally insisted that this was because she was concerned about the safety of the public at the inner-city venue, but the authorities, including the police, denied any security concerns, and instead suggested that organisers had not been sufficiently prepared to hold the event. It eventually did take place in Sandton but with a far lower turnout than in previous years.
The latest development once again puts Africa’s largest Pride event, now heading into its 25th year, in jeopardy. Joburg Pride appears to be in debt for the first time in seven years. According to Nieuwoudt, Pride’s bank account is R300 in the red.
“Ally needs to take responsibly as the de facto head of Pride – or questions will be asked,” commented Tanya Harford, the chair of the previous Pride organising board.
“We are now as bad off as we were seven years ago. It’s terribly sad. I hope someone else stands up and gets involved,” she added.
Ally’s courting of controversy has seen her butt heads with numerous people within the community over the last year and has left many with a sense of unease. The fact that the event now appears to be unable to pay its bills adds further weight to the belief that it may well be time for organisers with the ability to inspire rather than divide to take over the reins of Johannesburg Pride.
My company supplied the sound and staging for the event and have also not been paid for services rendered. What is going on here>?
Hi JSP, please e-mail us on with details.
Kaye Ally needs to come clear and be available – she really can’t make allegations and point fingers to other partners in the committee when she has no intention of revealing any more facts. And her absence speaks for itself – Being so MIA and hard to find makes one inclined to believe she is not planning on coming out at all. And in thailand for six months? is that really something one should do when your current project is having difficulties? I’m more inclined to believe no one will ever get hold of her as she disappears somewhere unreachable with a whole new comfortable life. ahead of her with all her failures forgotten. I’m sorry Ms. Ally, but that’s how it looks to me.
Thailand for six months means nothing, Has she taken a contracting opportunity? The relevances?
Is she still steering Jhb Pride?
I have a question, history has shown us that Kaye Ally always lands stronger than ever. Pride did take place, Human rights issues addressed spot on, Diversity and racial integration at its best. I am a fan!When the responses does come back is Mamba going to run an apology for defamation of charactor on the home page for all to see?
As the saying goes..”we are as strong as our weakest link” imagine the outcome if Kaye Ally was not in the picture? Just saying…
It sadness me to read this as there were many going into this planning with a keen heart and an ambition to see Pride continue. What breaks my heart even more that reading this, that those who are owed money are willing to sit down with Kaye Ally and work something out, and she is just not coming to the party. All I can say, that sticking your head in the sand will not fix this. I just hope that sponsors will have faith enough, that if Pride happens next year to oversee what has happened this year. All I can ask is for Kay Ally to actually come forward and start answering the questions that needs to be answered as the head of Pride.
Pride 2013 was very badly marketed. When I couldn’t find information days before the event I contacted Kaye to find out details and offered to help promote the event through my media contacts. She was abrasive and rude – clearly not a leader. Unfortunately Joburg Pride seems to have a long history of bad leadership.
Lance the DA had strong representation at Pride, are you going against your Party? DA has a shaky foot at the moment. Concentrate on East London
So are you agree ” kaye should not be focusing on Thailand, but rather fulfilling her responsibilities? ” … i get so confused when people shift the goal posts
Dandy Lion /
Gay but embarrassed
Seeing as you both responded in the first person and acknowledge your involvement in Pride why hide behind false identity. You can not be honest about who you are, than dont expect a decent response. you are a fraud hiding behind a nic. Get real, grow a pair, put your name out there and than we will talk.
Nope I am not Janus and no I have not been involved with Pride, merely stating what I am seeing. And what I heard from other people who are apparently close to you. I could be wrong, but then again who would ever know. When I complained to you about the whole concept of VIP at pride you belittled me and had security throw me out. When I tried to leave comments on the facebook page it was deleted. When I emailed I got no response. So I guess I am just curious to see the outcome of all of this as I will not attend another pride event again. Whether it is run by you Kaye Ally or run by the man on the moon.
To clarify,
1. I offered my assistance in my personal capacity. I have been to Prides in Asia, Europe, Middle East and America, so I might know a few things about them.
2. The matter of the DA supporting Pride events across the country is another matter entirely, although one which I support greatly. The DA LGBTI group participated at Joburg Pride, but were not the organizers thereof.
3. I will not respond to any character attacks from people that do not have the manners to identify themselves, and choose to cause division in the LGBT community by hiding behind a computer screen with no evidence of anything they have done to assist the community they are so critical about.
Can’t say that I am surprised by any of this. Hate to say “I told you so”.
Luiz how about taking responsibility for Irresponsible reporting. If I re read this The ABI is R60K, but the turn over was only R180K so did Sandton Sports Club sell equal about of Cokes and Beer? I think not. The payment to Pride on the day? Who approved the payments and who from Pride signed for them? Food bill here to who approved and who from Pride signed for it? This Darryn fellow says he arranged artist and Djs at no cost once again who approved pay out and who from Pride signed for it? No one will make an accusation and state a financial amount if there was not truth to it.. Have the Pride attorneys been contacted to verify if legal action against Brian is being taken? And if not why not? The claims of assault in your previous report you spoke to the detective? What is the relevance? Having unpaid bills is not a major issue and it is something that can be worked through. However the figures are not adding up with Sandton Sports Club. You quoting Tanya Hartford, when are you going to hold Tanya responsible for her lot as Previous Pride Chair what happen to 2012’s money. Pride is broke guess what they start broke? This tashy journalism is not going to enrich sponsors. I need to find a better gay media
As reported, Ally has been given numerous opportunities to explain all these matters, which you seem to have intimate information about, and has instead chosen to remain silent. Claims about the previous Pride board should not be used to obfuscate the matter at hand. The two are not connected and Ally was well aware that she was starting from scratch when she chose to take on Pride. We still await a response from Ally about the claims made regarding outstanding payments. As the project manager and face of Pride she must take responsibility for the current problems and try to resolve them. She should step forward, explain and clarify these concerns and we will certainly listen and report her response. Perhaps in-depth audited financials, as she expects from the previous board, of this year’s event would be in order?
Luiz I am an intelligent unemotional reader. The questions I have asked are the thoughts / unknowns while reading your news. R80 Thousand is alot of money and no one is going to throw a figure like that out there without being able to prove it. Is this not a simple of case Ally attending to legal matters. Legal matters are confidential until resolved. Once resolved feedback maybe provided? have the Pride attorneys being contacted?
As per JN’s comments…it would appear that she has pulled the wool over even your eyes….My advise: re-evaluate that friendship, or you too may land up in some controversy.
Also can confirm, that NO legal action – of any sort has been taken against ANYONE from Johannesburg Pride Events Pty Ltd or Kaye Ally…i think Mamabaonline should be paying me LOL
A persons personal where abouts? The relevances? Kaye can book a trip to Mars what difference should it make surely people as Chair of Pride are entitled to a life? of is that not case? Come one people the comments are disgusting this is not news Luiz.
If only Kaye would book a trip to Mars, maybe the LGBTI community would be standing in better steed. If only Kaye would stop looking for Skapegoats and start fixing what she broke.
yes …but why lie about her whereabouts ? I fully understand your indignation. Get your house in order before hand? We deserve at least that amount of respect? It appears she has left others to clean up her mess. Is this someone we want to fight over? It would be far more beneficial to get together as a community, establish what the damage is, and rectify the solution as efficiently as possible. School fees = Pride belongs to the people, not a person or committee. Lets take back our power?
and our PRIDE … Sorry Kaye Ally, but for me that excludes you
I am convinced that you are Ally, I mean why so defensive when you can see the ship has sunk, will we ever have Pride to even begin with, come one people cane we take responsibility, just once.
Kaye is complaining about disgusting comments. What about disgusting allegations. Even if Dickerson and Nieuwoudt are guilty, why not publish the evidence or make a statement on the way forward. Just too many if, buts and whys. How did this Bi-Sexual become the voice of the homosexual (LGBTI) people? When she is clearly sexist?
Reading all your comments almost convinces me that you will always be welcome in OUR “us and them” camp – what better way to win friends and influences people. sorry who-ever-you-think-you-are, where your comments have merit, your attitude sorely lacks integrity. I mean that is the nicest possible way – assuming you even understand that
Dandy Lion GNT are my Initials – Neesha Thomas and I have posted many comments through going back to last year. I am not afraid to acknowledge and take responsibility for what I am saying, therefore I will never sit around the same cam fire as someone like you that is clearly hiding behind a nic.
Dandy Gay but embarrassed – as an intelligently sane person I am to assume you are Brian Dickerson and Janis Niewdout. to quote an old cliche ” attack is the best form defense” that is only until the evidence is provided. As a follower of gay news especial this Pride saga, I will be looking out to see what evidence is provided related to the missing R80 Thousand. History Kaye was put through the mill last year. Pride did eventually take place and the pictures are evidence that is was a first Pride in Joburg that was well represented by all racial groups. The worst is behind her, she succeed when no one thought she would. With all the drama last year people attended and had fun. She even managed to bring meaning back into the Human rights portion, Joburg Pride is on the News ANN7, Radio 702, Etv, News feeds on Twitter. They are being asked to lead discussions related to the South Africa LGBT issues and comment on African issue. Keep up with the new Mr’s. Our government is riddled with administrative issues. The DA have administrative issues. Pride has an administrative issues. If the i learnt anything from Mambaonline news Kaye some how comes out on top. a lesser person would have thrown in the towel. Hats off to Kaye Ally. I am confident she will respond and this may leave egg on your face or it may mean hand cuffs for the theft of R80 thousand.
I’m really dispaointed to see this happens, to think I thought Kaye was this innocent soul, mina ngyabonga. Hope someone comes and rescure us. Such a disaster. GNT I like your name, so anonymous. Lol.