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is_africa_obsessed_gay_pornContrary to many people’s expectations, African countries are among the top nations that search for gay porn online.

According to Google Trends, the countries that have the most searches for the term “gay sex pics” include Kenya – right at number one!

South Africa comes in at number two and is followed by Nigeria in third place. Pakistan, India, Philippines and Australia round off the top seven.

For the term “gay porn pics,” Kenya and South Africa are again in first and second place.

Despite’s Kenya’s ranking, a global survey released last year found that 90% of Kenyans believe that homosexuality should not be accepted by society.

Same-sex consensual sex among adults is also illegal in Kenya, with punishment of between five to 14 years imprisonment. Thankfully recent attempts to implement harsher anti-gay laws failed.

Gay sex is also illegal in Nigeria. A new law signed by President Goodluck Jonathan in January, further outlawed any kind of same-sex relationships with imprisonment as well as criminalising anyone who supports or operates gay clubs, societies or organisations.

When it comes to getting our rocks off for free, South Africa is the top African country. It’s in third place for the terms “free gay porn,” with Trinidad and Tobago and the US in first and second place respectively.

Jamaica, known as one of the most homophobic countries in the world, also places in this list, at number six.

It’s both enlightening and disturbing to realise that while Africa is the continent with the most anti-gay legislation in the world, the reality is that many of its country’s citizens appear eager to see gay sexuality in action.

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