Meet the 2015 Mr Gay South Africa finalists!
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Here they are! Meet the 12 out and proud guys who will compete for the coveted 2015 Mr Gay South Africa title.
The annual pageant, now in its sixth year, aims to get young men from different backgrounds “involved in the process of initiating positive change” and promoting “gender equality, gay rights and unity.”
The winner will be crowned at the Grand Finale at Emperors Palace casino resort in Kempton Park, Johannesburg, on Saturday 28 March.
He’ll go on to compete in the Mr Gay World contest in Cape Town and Knysna this April and May.
Tell us who your favourites are in the comments section below (but keep it clean boys; nastiness not required).
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Not interested in looks – what do they stand for? and not enough black guys. Further ok I guess
Oh dear! Do these guys really represent the entire South African gay community? Why are most of them in speedos – is this what is required to be Mr Gay SA? What about greater diversity and representavity? This is 2015 and not 1915 surely. We need to be aware of the African context that we live in, otherwise, the contest and the gay community will be tone deaf to the socio-politiccal realities of current day South Africa. What are these guys positions on some African and global issues affecting the LGBTI community? Do they have opinions on ‘corrective-rape’, gay conversion therapy, etc.?
all I c is white..once read a post on Manhunt daily and many were shocked y dr is nva enough black guys yet south Africa has more blk people..NO wonder other pple r nva happy abt MR Gay south africa etc dr is no diversity..nd here I am a fan girl of gay guys but truth be told..there aint no fairness here its white, white white white weh
Stop complaining and get more black people to entre. It’s not the work of MR GSA to look for people. they must entre. And well done on the boys who did entre. Stop being such a racist we over it. Grow a back bone and entre the competition, nobody is going to hold your hand and beg you to entre.
Although on the face of it, the finalists are mainly white, we should consider that only those who entered made the finals. If the organisers are transparent about what criteria was used, then what’s the problem?
Zander barnard
So, at the end of the day, our representative will be the guy with the biggest muscles and biggest bulge in his speedo. The only finalist that actually looks like he is taking his responsibilities seriously is Siya. Well done Sir. You have my respect for being a man who dared to be different and wanting to win on substance rather than just prostituting his flesh.
Zander Barnard is a standout
Everyone is sexy and hot, but I also would have liked to see more black guys. Did they not enter, or did they not win the semi’s?
Of all the guys I met on this list Ross (9) is such a gr8 guy.
A real down to earth pleasant guy who would represent the LGBTI community well.
Nope NONE strike me as sensational, if I were forced to choose it would be Zander….but you’d have to be holding a gun to my head….sorry !
#8 is amazing!
So fashion oriented and gorgeous!
Zander Barnard!
It is dissapointing that there arent many non white candidates however … and i could be wrong in this … most of the white guys are generally out and proud while many non whites gays are in the closet due to cultural and traditional reasons… good luck everyone … number 10 is my fave
Ross or Zander will win, because they have the “best” bodies. Because what inspires us? Abs. *yawn
Xander Barnard
No3 u make kımberley proud boy we love u bıg tym lookıng hot
Eric stoffels -my very own vibrant , fun , down to earth bestie who takes on every challenge and opportunity that comes his way I’m proud to have such a supportive full of life and special friend , he really deserves to win this pageant because he will definately make an impact on touching lives
My first thought when someone poses half-naked, is that they’re displaying their biggest strength. Do something different.
Sharp suit, Siya for gay president.
Not democratically chosen.
No support from me.
This is a one man show.
My fav are Eric Stoffels(obviously doing it for Northern Cape) and Zander Barnard he’s just Hott!!!
My fav are Eric Stoffels(obviously doing it for Northern Cape) and Zander Barnard he’s just Hott!!! But next time I would like to see more Diversity..Indians,blacks and coloureds being added
It was going to be better of if we had just brief profiles as to who and what they stand for in the LGBT community and what influences or impact will they have when crowned Mr Gay SA because their role should just not be about the looks. Would really like seeing more presentation of blacks or any other races as South Africa is such a rainbow nation….
Nr8 is my favourite. He’s got everything the gay world needs, Make us Proud nr8. U sexy thing!
Steph Jansen van Vuuren what a nice and ambitious guy, who has been involved in so many charity projects in our community. A guy that stands strong for what he believes in and willing to make a difference. Definitely someone who will take this prestigious title to a whole new level! Leadership qualities, dedication and loyalty are just few attributes of this man. #Teamsteph
Everybody is always moaning about ‘NOT ENOUGH BLACKS’….
This competition is open to ANYONE to enter! Must the owners of the competition BEG black guys to enter?
The time of gravy train is over!
Yes, its not 1980 and its open for everybody, so stop complaining, thank you guys
Fully agree… stop with the (reverse) racism! If more black guys (in this case) had entered, there would probably be more black finalists…
Number 11 Steph van Vuuren to win.
Zander Barnard: Cape Town,…he’s got my vote.
Number 9!!!
Steph Jansen Van Vuuren
No 11 Steph one of the best guy i ever!! Go Staph!!!
Richard Theron!!!! Namakwalands own! Never afraid to stand out and smile! U rock LaRiRi !!! All the best!
the most ‘normal’ contestant is driekus westraad. not so full of himself as all the others. good luck to you driekus.
11-Steph van Vuuren
Siya for the win! I love that he is clearly more than just looks. If you read his blogs, you will know that he is a great choice. Who wants an airhead to win?
No 11!!! Steph!!
No. 11 definitely!!! He has compassion and ambitious. His not only a great ambassador for the gay community but stands out and helps in the straight community as well. His a down to earth guy and truly the BEST candidate to enforce change!!! God’s speed Steph!!!
Riaan Bothma, and Richard Theron!!(:
Steph looks like drama, Zander a bit to buff BUT ROSS ERLANK for a win.
Hi guys, Can I ask you guys a favour. Please read what the captions say… There is a representative for almost everyone there. I feel that this group is amazing and unique, I don’t see colour in personality. But let me tell you that these guys are passionate about this community. Yes I am a finalist and look like a stuck up prick in that photo. But when I work with HIV and AIDS kids and feel that race should be a thing of the past. Its tearing this country apart yet we proclaim we are a rainbow nation. To that I say we may be colourful yes but unless we are working together, we do not make a rainbow. Please guys lets build up not break down
Great that you guys spoke up and show what you stand for – that is what we want to see, not speedos. That is de rigueur for competitions like this, but we need someone who can speak his mind, and that mind must be aimed at the community and the problems we face. Also, we note that there is a Mr. Gay World competition coming up and we want to do well. Since the original organisers left Mr Gay SA with Lance etc., SA have done badly at that.
Hi guys. I’m Steph Jansen van Vuuren (11)m first and fore most I would like to thank all of you for the comments (positive and negative) I can assure you we will all grow from them. I would just like to clear the air on a couple of things tho. All 12 of us are extremely honored an humbled to be part of this experience and I would like to thank the organizers for choosing us not just based on our looks but what we stand for in our communities. Congratulations for finding such a diverse group of guys from all walks of life. We all are fighting for the exact same thing, just in different ways, so guys please don’t fuel the fire that we all trying to prevent by judging us on only a photo, that’s making us our own worse enemies by giving into the stereotypical way of doing things. There will be no one happier than me to see more black entrants cause that will show true growth in th LGBTI community for anyone could live loud an out regardless of their heritage. To my fellow contestants, united we sand as the “12 heros” and together we will make a difference.
Great that you guys spoke up and show what you stand for – that is what we want to see, not speedos. That is de rigueur for competitions like this, but we need someone who can speak his mind, and that mind must be aimed at the community and the problems we face. Also, we note that there is a Mr. Gay World competition coming up and we want to do well. Since the original organisers left Mr Gay SA with Lance etc., SA have done badly at that.
Hey everyone. I am Mortimer, contestant number 5. I had the chance to spend an entire weekend with these guys last week end for Cape Town Pride and they are all stunning! a very diverse group and we had a lot to learn from each other because we all come from different backgrounds and different walks of life. There were many challenges that we all had to go through and the photo shoot was one of them. For some of us it was a first time. For the boys to put them selves out there in such a way, for our community takes a lot. So well done to each and every one of you. On my entry form i stated that this title is not about the looks. Its about a person coming forward and being able to make a change and be a role model. Each one of these guys have something different to bring to the table and its not about race. its about who fits the title best. Once again, Well done guys!
Great that you guys spoke up and show what you stand for – that is what we want to see, not speedos. That is de rigueur for competitions like this, but we need someone who can speak his mind, and that mind must be aimed at the community and the problems we face. Also, we note that there is a Mr. Gay World competition coming up and we want to do well. Since the original organisers left Mr Gay SA with Lance etc., SA have done badly at that.
The only one that does anything for me is Ross. The rest is just way to gay / hipster for my liking. Rather go and checkout the guy for Mr gay world from NZ ! That is something right up my alley and Im sure a lot of other guys as well!
Sorry but Ross can not string one sentence together
We love you Eric! All the best for the competition. Doesn’t matter the outcome you will always be our winner.
So proud of you nr 8!!! You are a true inspiration to all of us. You have gone after your dreams fiercely and fearlessly and we love and adore you for all you are and stand for. Your passion for people and fight for equality in a place where it is virtually none existent speaks for themselves. You are a true winner because you are there representing us all despite adversity. All the best “leelee” xoxox
This pagent doesnt always need to be about the looks its about being yourself, sometimes being taken out of your comfort zone and taking stand to what you believe in and would fight for. Steph Jansen Van Vuuren what a true leader not thinking about himself but all the people around him, truly a thoughtful person! A true ambassador! A great leader for everyone not only in the gay community but in the straight community as well! NO11 STEPH JANSEN VAN VUUREN ALL THE WAY! #TEAMSTEPH
Who are we to judge these 12 beautiful people who have stood against homophobic attitudes amongst their family and friends??? Black, white or coloured is not the point here. Read about their compassion and passion for their communities. Some are doctors, some work in NGOs. I salute each one of you!
GO CRAIG MAGGS! Heart of gold, body of steel!
Eric Stoffels …* 🙂 !!!!*
Roooooar!!!!! No 8 ( Richard Theron ) is a compassionate, hard working individual, believes in the creator , always putting others needs ahead of his, I think he will be great ambassador , he cares about the youth in his community and wants to bring change . you have the true spririts of ubuntu.
Umela abo bangakwaziyo ukuzithethelela , nabo bacinizekeileyo, phambili riri ungajiki , mela into oyikholelwayo, you are just one og God’s perfect creations.
Jaco botha one of the best friends one could have… voting for jaco botha all the way… show them what you are made of buddy!
Nommer 2: Driekus Westraad!
Craig Maggs…. not just the body but his personality lights up the room when he walks in! You go boy!!
I believe that Number 4 (Jaco Botha) should win because he is so inspirational and has such a fantastic personality, he will definitely be a great idol to alot of people that has a similar background as he does. He truly has come along way in life and he always had a positive attitude about so many things in life. Jaco always makes a person feel good about themselves and helps them regain confidence, just by telling you his story and how hard he has worked to become the person he is, it makes one believe that anything and everything is possible!!! I am so so proud of you!! Keep up the awesome work Jaco and never give up!!
Link to blog post written by number 10 [Siya]
Jaco botha make us proud this s urs bra leave a mark for nrb pps in cape town love u n behind u 100%
EricStoffels’ all the best
Really difficult to choose, but based on the little to go on from these pics & short specs… Craig, Mortimer & Ross! Go boys!
Driekus! Natural body and looks like he is happy in his skin.
Richard Theron this is the beginning of of a new chapter. with your personality and zest for life you can and will succeed. make the Northern Cape, Namaqua proud. Good luck.
Craig Maggs … liked what he had to say … looks like he could be the one to represent the community for a year
Jaco Botha #4 ALL THE WAY. Best attitude, biggest heart and most loving guy!!
Number 4… Jaco Botha ….. He knows how to deal with life’s hardships, how to embrace change and to come out swinging at the top!
Absolutely Loving the positivity people!!!! These guys are Champs!!! Super XII
This selection once again reiterates the whiteness of gay culture in South Africa, and more globally. Only 2 or 3 people of Color? And only one black person? Is this a joke? Or a reflection of how deeply embedded racism is in out culture and society where we are unable to recognize anything that is not white. The exclusion/invisibility of people of color and the focus on normative gay bodies needs to be desperately challenged on all levels. Competitions like this, which exclude people of color from the mainstream, maintains white privilege in South Africa. The privileging of white aesthetics and notions of beauty is a violence in itself and is reflexive of the manner in which we are conditioned to desire whiteness and devalue blackness, which becomes festished for many people who fantasize about BBC. What does the judging panel look like? How many black judges are there on the panel? This is an institution problem! Racism is embedded in our institutions and the very fabric of our society and this competition is a manifestation of how we de-value black bodies and black life in this country.
The problem is with the entries – black guys can not become finalists unless they enter – and very few do. There is the problem, not with what you mention.
Like I said, Steph DRAMA…. what did you do for you community? Whats your plan for the community. Girl you in for the tiara and thats it….face the Celine Dion Music lovy!!!
Go Jaco my vriend! Alles van die beste
My comment on the 5th March wasn’t published because I spoke the truth it wasn’t however in anyway as bad as some of the comments that ‘were approved’ I mean really what you trying to hide? Either post all comments coz freedom of speech or don’t publish anyone’s!!
Hi Jayson. We deleted your comment as you made allegations which could be construed as slander. Freedom of speech does not cover that. – Editor
Instead of a ‘Mr congeniality’ or ‘Mr photogenic’, I think we should have a prize for ‘best cock’.
Zander Zander Zander Zander Zander!!!!!!!
GRAIG firstly spell check sweet heart and secondly before you decide to make any comments why don’t you do your home work and stop judging ‘knowing facts’ before your useless comments!!!!! No 11 Steph all the way.
Craig is with a C darling
And ‘sweetheart’ – one word; ‘homework’ – one word.
….and my point still stands, South Africa, the first country in the world to give GLBT people equal rights and freedom. We were the first country in the world to choose the worst Mr Gay de Waal. Just comes to show South Africa alway the first concerning the GLBT community. I’ll go for 6 and 12. Good-luck to all though.
Zander Barnard #Mrgsa2015
Same old Same, the gays of our life’s. Always a drama, always complaining.
Then its to white, then its to pretty, and then is it this the best you can get.
If you are so interested enter the competition or get to know more about it, why didn’t you. This is not a beauty pageant.
If you enter you can get into the finals, so if you black and did not enter its your own mistake, don’t complain now its to white. This guys has personality, back bone to do what they are doing. So why don’t we stand together, help these guys to do good for all off us. Lets show the world we not all bitches who moans about everything, its so 70’s.
Definitely Siya Khumalo! Eusebius summed it up perfectly on Facebook this morning “You’re enviably hot AND smart with a deep sense of social justice” Done deal.
Why do all us gays have to be so snobby and bitchy. Just as the prettiest and smartest girls win the female beauty pageants – so shall the best looking guy win this pageant. Keep in mind that representatives for South Africa in both the straight and gay world are ALWAYS attractive. They always have good bodies and always have a standout personality. They’re popular kids – that’s an inherent quality of people that usually do well in these pageants. So if you’re a skinny or unattractive or short or unintelligent person trolling these contestants because it’s a shallow competition – just remember that you are being just as shallow when you make these comments without even getting to know the contestants. The battle shouldn’t always be about looks – get used to the fact that the gay community is shallow and move on. Don’t defame this competition just because you’re insecure with yourself, and sit looking for someone to cheer you on for doing so. You might think you’re doing good by questioning the direction of Mr Gay SA – but you’re actually doing nothing by not supporting it. Do something about it. “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
― Desmond Tutu
Steph Jansen van Vuuren!!! This man really stands out and will do the LGBTI community so proud. He is extremely hard working, passionate and dedicated in and with every project he takes on the community. Keep up the good work Steph! We are all extremely proud of what you have accomplished. With or without the title you will continue to make a difference to those in need. You are a true inspiration and we all wish you the best of luck with this opportunity to further make a difference but on a bigger scale. You always believe in yourself and we will always believe in you!!!
Definitely Zander! It is ultimately an international competition that this guy will be representing our country (on home soil) and he has LOOKS, brains and (it seems) personality. Make us proud like Rolene did at Miss World!
Zander Barnard. He’s a stand out. Smart and has the body!
Richard …….Richard. ……number 8 ! Hy het n persoonlikheid wat skrik vir niks ! Ons rolmodel! Bring di kroon huis toe Richy!
I did some research on the fellow’s…there are 4 guys that stood out, but first I would like to say in which way or who has the potential to take the lead on these issues. Health and Fitness, Homophobia prevention in AFRICA, Celebration of our diversity, ongoing support and building a better future for the younger generation. Who of these finalists can take our culture and communicate towards the world that in order to be irreplaceable you have to be different…and send out a message to the world that we all should want to be different and then unite as the same. Which finalist are most focused and have goals beyond himself? Who shows grit and determination? Who is still most humble? Who has the most hope that he can and will make a difference? Who has already won in their hearts and not need the title to do all the above?
Steph Van Vuuren
Mortimer Van de Westhuizen.
Zander Barnard.
Siya Khumalo.
That is my pick. Hope one of them not only wins but goes beyond winning and surprises us with something special to remember.
Zander Barnard – we need more doctors with this approach
Imagine a South Africa 21 years after democracy and still no Miss South Africa of colour/black…
Why then, are people still defending the indefensible? This competition is rotten.
I think Zander Barnard is our man but good luck to all of you.