Watch: Ireland’s moving gay marriage ad

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irish_gay_marriage_vote_adAn LGBT youth group is urging lesbian and gay voters to take their family to the polls in Ireland’s upcoming gay marriage referendum.

The BeLonG To organisation last week launched its Bring Your Family With You campaign, which aims to help secure marriage equality in the country.

The heart-warming video shows young gay and lesbian people asking their family and friends to vote “yes” to legalise same-sex marriage in next month’s plebiscite; sometimes with surprising results.

Unlike other countries that have passed same-sex marriage laws, the May 22 poll is believed to be the first national referendum to be held on the issue.

If the proposal is passed, the wording “Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex” will be added to the Irish Constitution

In January, Ireland’s Minister for Health, Leo Varadker, became the first openly gay Irish cabinet minister after he came out to express his support for the yes vote.

Same-sex civil partnerships have been recognised in Ireland since 2011. According to some polls, up to 75% of the Irish people support legalising gay marriage but there are fears that not enough marriage equality backers will turn out to vote.

Watch the Bring Your Family With You video below.

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