UN to address Isis LGBT executions for the first time

This man was pushed off a building by Isis militants in March for being gay and then stoned to death after he survived the fall
The USA and Chile are finally bringing the issue of the barbaric executions of LGBT people by Isis to the United Nations later this month.
According to AP, US Ambassador Samantha Power and Chilean Ambassador Cristian Barros Melet will host a UN Security Council open meeting on the matter on 24 August.
“This will be a historic meeting,” Power told reporters. “It’ll be the first Security Council meeting on LGBT rights.”
Two surviving gay victims of Isis, an Iraqi and a Syrian, are expected to address the delegates.
Others, including activists such as the head of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), will also speak at the meeting.
Isis is a proponent of a radical interpretation of Sharia religious law which allows for the execution of people for “morality” crimes, including adultery and homosexuality.
Since June 2014, it has proudly posted images and videos of dozens of brutal public killings of gay people in Iraq and Syria by stoning, beheading or by throwing them off rooftops.
It’s even been claimed that undercover Isis members set up ‘dates’ with gay men in order to lure, capture and execute them.
There have also been reports and images of the stoning of women convicted of adultery, and numerous accounts of people executed by Isis militias because of their religious affiliation.
In March, the IGLHRC pleaded with the UN and governments to take a stronger stand against the ongoing LGBT executions by the extremist group. It appears that someone has finally started listening.
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