Actor’s cousin released from “gay cure” facility

Jeremy Jordan and Sarah
Sarah, the 17-year-old lesbian cousin of Supergirl actor Jeremy Jordan, has been released from a Christian facility said to be trying to change her sexuality.
Earlier this week, we reported that Jordan had launched a desperate campaign to raise funds to pay for lawyers to convince the courts to free the young woman.
It was claimed that she had been sent to the boarding school to “cure” her homosexuality against her will by her parents.
On Thursday, a statement on the campaign’s GoFundMe page confirmed that Sarah has been allowed to leave the facility.
“We are understandably excited by today’s developments, and hopeful for what this means for Sarah’s ability to live her life as her true self,” reads the statement.
“And we are hopeful that one day soon all the other LBGT teens out there who face rejection by their families and attempts to ‘fix’ their sexuality will be accepted for who they are.”
Over $64,000 was raised in the campaign, which Jordan said will go toward paying any outstanding legal bills. Funds left over will be placed in a trust so that Sarah “can attend college and lead a normal life being who she is and loving whom she chooses”.
In the meantime, the facility in question, Heartlight Ministries, posted a statement on its website denying that it provides “any ‘treatment’ services for sexual identity”.
Heartlight described itself as “a residential counselling program for teenagers who struggle with a wide range of behavioural and emotional issues”.
It refuted claims that Sarah was held there against her will and said that, “It is disheartening to see that this young woman has had elements of her story be made widely public without her consent”.
Attempts to change people’s sexuality or gender identity have been widely condemned by mental health bodies around the world as ineffective and dangerous.
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