Potchefstroom Pride to march for LGBTI equality
The second Potchefstroom Pride will take place in Ikageng on Saturday 25 February, under the theme of “Breaking the Silence”.
The event first took place in 2015, but not 2016, and is back this year. Participants are asked to gather at the corner of Moabi and Lekhele streets from 10.30am.
The march will start at 11am and will proceed down Lekhele Street to the open area next to the police station.
According to organiser Theo Nobatana, two speakers will address issues facing the LGBTI community in the area, including the scourge of hate crimes.
After the march and speeches, a celebration will take place at Diphetogo Lounge from 12pm till late.
Entrance is free and entertainment will include the likes of DJ Puggy, DJ Jessy and performances by Pelo Cardiac and Madame Stephanie.
Potchefstroom has been the site of a number of horrific hate crimes in recent years.
In August last year, Lesley Makousa, a 17-year-old LGBT school pupil, was strangled to death with a shoelace. His body was found in the veld in the Promosa township.

Strangled with a shoelace: Lesley Makousa
In November 2015, 35-year-old music student Bobby Motlatla was stabbed 39 times in his Potchefstroom flat. That killing still remains unsolved.
“We would like to create awareness [with Potchefstroom Pride] so that the community can be accommodating of gays and lesbians,” Nobatana told Mambaonline.
“There should not be another case of a gay and lesbian being murdered in Potchefstroom. We want to say to the people that we are here and we are part of the community. Include us in the community,” she said.
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