Conservative Christians in froth over Google’s gay dads ad

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While we found it adorable, conservative Christians are outraged that an advert for the Google Home service features a happy same-sex family.

Titled Carpool, the 33-second video depicts two gay dads and their kids going about their morning routines before they head off to the office or school.

As the children eat their breakfast, the fathers each ask Google Home, a voice-activated digital personal assistant, about the traffic and their diaries for the day. The family is very suburban, perky and typically “ad perfect”, but the video also plays its part in fostering social acceptance of same-sex families.

The LifeSiteNews Christian website, however, sees a more nefarious message and believes that the advert represents Google “continuing its attempts to mainstream the homosexual lifestyle…” It argues that it “promotes same-sex ‘marriage’ [and] gay adoption”.

The site quotes Gwen Landolt, head of REAL Women of Canada, as saying: “It’s just more propaganda. It’s an attempt to normalise same-sex relationships using children as props. But it is not normal and what they are not telling you is that it is not good for children.”

REAL Women claims to speak “for women who support the values of traditional family and marriage”.

Landolt goes on to claim that the social sciences indicate that “Children require a mother and a father,” and insists that, “The ad is an abuse of children. Google is supporting an abnormality.”

The vast majority of credible studies, however, have repeatedly confirmed that children raised by same-sex couples fare no worse (and in some studies better) than those raised by different-sex couples.

Watch the ad for yourself below.

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