Calling all musos! Competition for Pretoria Pride Song

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GaySA Radio and Pretoria LGBTQ+ Pride have launched a search for a song for the upcoming Pretoria Pride 2017.

All singers and musicians are called on to write and record a song around this year’s theme for Pride, “Carnival”.

The song should reflect a positive message around LGBTQ+ issues, Pretoria Pride and the theme.

The recorded song should be submitted in MP3 format to Ethan Baird on by Friday 28 July. Any queries can also be sent to Baird.

The submitted songs will be used in the campaign to promote the event, to be held at the Centurion Rugby Club on Saturday 7 October.

The public will vote for their favourite and the winner will perform the song at the event. The winner will also win a bar tab for the day, as well as entry to the Clubhouse.

Due to technical restrictions on the stage, live instruments must be limited and a backtrack is preferred.

GaySA Radio is licensed by CAPASSO, so when the song is registered, digital rights will be paid by this organisation to the artist.

Now in its fifth year, the annual Pretoria LGBTQ+ Pride event has become one of the biggest Prides in Africa.

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