My journey through Spiritual OCD in the LGBTQ+ community


Within each of us exists a profound desire for connection, not only with the world around us but also with the beliefs and values that guide our lives. However, sometimes this pursuit of spiritual connection can take an unexpected turn, leading us into the labyrinth of Spiritual Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

In our quest to be faithful to our beliefs and moral principles, we can find ourselves trapped in a relentless cycle of doubt and fear. It’s as if we’re walking a tightrope suspended between what we hold sacred and the intrusive thoughts that question our very essence.

In these moments, it becomes evident that the human spirit is both fragile and resilient. We’re fragile because our fears can consume us, creating a chasm between our faith and our identity. We’re resilient because, despite the torment of obsessions, we persist in seeking harmony between our beliefs and our true selves.

Spiritual Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), often referred to as “Scrupulosity,” is a specific subtype of OCD where one experiences intrusive and distressing thoughts related to their religious or moral beliefs.

These thoughts can manifest as excessive worries about committing religious sins or moral transgressions. People with spiritual OCD may feel compelled to engage in repetitive rituals or behaviours, such as prayer, confession, or avoidance of certain situations, to alleviate their anxiety and guilt.

One who suffers from this often has an exaggerated fear of divine punishment, religiously driven harm, or moral wrongdoing. These obsessions and compulsions can significantly interfere with a person’s daily life, relationships, and mental well-being.

My encounter with spiritual OCD

Growing up, I always felt a deep connection to my faith and spirituality. However, as I began to understand and accept my own sexuality, I found myself in a perplexing situation. My religious beliefs seemed to clash with my identity as a gay man. This internal conflict gave rise to a constant state of anxiety and guilt that I now recognise as Spiritual OCD.

At times, it felt like a never-ending loop in my mind. I’d obsess over whether my sexual orientation was a sin in the eyes of my faith. I’d compulsively seek reassurance through prayers, rituals, and conversations with religious leaders. But no matter how hard I tried, the fear of divine punishment persisted.

The interplay between my religious beliefs and my sexual orientation felt like a constant tug of war within me. It was as if two parts of my identity were fighting for dominance. On one side, my faith, something deeply cherished, and on the other, my authentic self as a gay man.

Impact on my mental health

The impact on my mental health was profound. The fear of divine judgment and rejection took a toll on my emotional well-being. I struggled with anxiety and depression, and my self-worth suffered. Loneliness became my constant companion, as I often felt isolated from both religious and LGBT communities.

Spiritual OCD can be tough on one’s mental health. The fear of being judged by a higher power can lead to depression and anxiety. People might feel alone and worthless. It’s a difficult situation.

One crucial turning point in my journey was seeking help. Through therapy and supportive friends and family, I began to understand that I wasn’t alone in this struggle. There were others like me, grappling with the same conflicts.

  • Find support: It’s important to talk to people who understand what you’re going through. Friends, therapists, or religious leaders who are accepting can make a big difference.
  • Learn: Learning more about how faith and being LGBTQ+ can coexist can help ease the struggle.
  • Be kind to yourself: Remember, it’s okay to be who you are. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
  • Get professional help: Therapists who specialise in helping LGBTQ+ individuals with these issues can be really helpful.

It’s important to recognise that healing from Spiritual OCD can pave the way for a more authentic, harmonious, and fulfilling life for individuals in the LGBTQ+ community.

My journey through Spiritual OCD as a member of the LGBTQ+ community has been a path of self-discovery and resilience.

Healing from Spiritual OCD is not just a personal triumph; it is a testament to the resilience of the LGBTQ+ community. By embracing our true selves and rejecting harmful, intrusive beliefs, we not only find peace within but also become advocates for inclusivity and understanding.

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