Author Archive

TOYA DELAZY IN “SATANIC” ALBUM COVER FURORE: South African pop star Toya Delazy has had to defend herself against accusations of Satanism
UGANDA: JUDGE WHO ANNULLED ANTI-GAY LAW FACED DEATH THREATS: The judges who annulled Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act were on the receiving 
CANADIAN CANNIBAL GAY PORN KILLER TRIAL BEGINS: The trial of Canadian gay porn actor Luka Magnotta, accused of murdering, dismembering and eating his
GARETH CLIFF GIVES LGBTQ COMMUNITY SLOT ON CLIFFCENTRAL: CliffCentral, Gareth Cliff’s online radio station, is adding a new segment to the Kellman
VIRAL SOLO PORN VIDEO BODYBUILDER SAYS HE’S NOT GAY: An “embarrassed” social media bodybuilding star whose “leaked” solo porn
A “MILESTONE” AS BELGRADE PRIDE FINALLY GOES AHEAD: After being cancelled three years in a row, this weekend finally saw Belgrade’s LGBTI community
CALIFORNIA BANS USE OF GAY AND TRANS PANIC DEFENCE IN COURT: California has become the first US state to prohibit the use of “gay and transgender
EGYPT: 6 SENTENCED TO 2 YEARS IN JAIL FOR HOMOSEXUALITY: A gay dating app is warning its Egyptian users as a court sentences six men to two years in prison
PORT ELIZABETH GAY MAN STONED TO DEATH: A horrified family is in mourning after an openly gay man was stoned to death near Port Elizabeth. The Afrikaans 
LONDON PROTEST AGAINST GAMBIA ANTI-GAY BILL: A group of African LGBTI activists and their British allies have called on Gambia’s president to not