WHITE HOUSE TO CELEBRATE STONEWALL: President Obama has invited LGBT families and activists to the White House to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots.
US CENSUS TO INCLUDE GAYS: US Census Bureau officials have said that they will be including married gay couples in their 2010 census for the first time.
PEREZ HILTON SLAMMED: Openly gay blogger Perez Hilton has been slammed for using an anti-gay slur in his highly publicised altercation with the Black Eyed Peas.
ARRESTS AT DRAG PARTY: Religious police in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, have arrested around 67 men at a party, some of whom were dressed in drag.
CASHING IN ON ADAM LAMBERT: A record company is planning to cash in on recordings made by American Idol runner up Adam Lambert before he became famous.
HIV PREDATOR IDENTIFIED: A 40 year old truck driver from Auckland, New Zealand, has been identified as the man responsible for a spree of allegedly deliberate HIV infections.
SHOCK RAPE REPORT: A new study claims that 1 in 4 South African men have raped a woman and that almost 3% of men have raped another man or boy.
GAYS JOIN IRAN PROTEST: Gay activists took part in a demonstration in London on Friday in solidarity with the Iranian people's mass protests for democracy and human rights.
LGBT HATE CRIMES ON THE RISE IN US: An annual report has shown a 28 percent increase in the number of LGBT hate crime incidents reported in 2008 in the US.
CHER SUPPORTS HER DAUGHTER: Cher has issued a statement saying that she will support her daughter through her transition from a woman to a man.
BRÜNO MAKES WAVES IN EUROPE: Sacha Baron Cohen has been jetting around Europe to promote his latest film Brüno, making waves wherever he goes.
GIBRALTAR RIGHTS DEFEAT: Gibraltar’s parliament has rejected a bill that sought to equalise the age of consent for homosexual men.
RICKY MARTIN COMES OUT – SORT OF: Ricky Martin, who has long been at the centre of speculation about his sexuality, has made a revealing comment in a new interview.
OBAMA TAKES A SMALL STEP FORWARD: President Obama has signed a presidential memorandum which will grant the same-sex partners of federal employees only some benefits, but not others.
COURT ALLOWS KIDS TO MEET DAD’S PARTNER: A court in Georgia has rejected a custody ruling which banned a gay father’s children from having any contact with his gay friends or partners.
LAW TO “PROTECT” KIDS FROM HOMOSEXUALITY: The Lithuanian parliament has passed legislation which will ban any information on homosexuality in schools or in media accessible by young people.
BOMBING AT SAO PAULO PRIDE: It’s come to light that a handmade bomb injured 21 people when it went off during the world’s biggest Pride event.
GQ’S FIRST MALE NUDE COVER: Sacha Baron Cohen’s flamboyantly gay alter-ego, Brüno, has graced the cover of GQ in the nude, a first for the men’s magazine.
GAY FEDERAL WORKERS TO GET BENEFITS: Barack Obama is set to sign a presidential memorandum which will grant the partners of gay federal workers workplace benefits.
HOSPITAL BARS LESBIAN FROM VISITING PARTNER: A lesbian has been barred from visiting her partner and giving advice about her treatment at a hospital in California.