This last week’s, at times outrageous, reporting by news media on the barring of gay donors by the South African National Blood Service reflects a startling lack of responsibility and ethics on the part of some journalists and news outlets.
The Saturday Star’s front page headline of “Gays Launch Blood War – Hundreds of Homosexuals Lie About Their Sexual Orientation And Donated Blood” is one of the most shocking examples of hysteria-mongering and hate speech I’ve come across in the mainstream media. While lesbians and gays have often been misrepresented and maligned in many, usually subtle, ways in the past, the sensationalism of this kind of headline is blatantly offensive, almost certainly inaccurate and may well endanger lives.
This is representational stereotyping of the worst kind and may well stir up homophobia and potentially lead to retaliatory violence against homosexuals. Now into our second decade of progressive democracy, we continue to find lesbians and gays lumped together as a terrifying homogenous mass. Apart from the utter irresponsibility of the headline and the paranoid nature of much of the coverage, a few vital questions need to be answered by journalists and their editors.
On what basis has the Gay and Lesbian Alliance (GLA) – the organisation that made a “call” for homosexuals to donate blood en-mass quoted in this and other articles – been given the credibility it has in the media? Has any journalist or newspaper actually checked the bona fides of this organisation? The GLA is known within the gay community as an illegitimate and shadowy pseudo-organisation, apparently consisting of no more than one publicity-hungry man (who never seems to appear in public) and his fax machine.
The GLA has never been able to prove any of its assertions of any membership or support. It has no credibility whatsoever and repeated attempts by various gay community organisations and media to interact with the GLA have been ignored. In fact not a single lesbian or gay man I know has ever met a member of the GLA – or that mysterious voice of the GLA, David Baxter.
The Saturday Star further writes that an “estimated 300 men complied with a plea by the GLA to donate blood.” Estimated by whom? Is this a number that the GLA came up with? Who and how could anyone estimate this number if these men apparently donated blood confidentially? Why is the quoted figure of “65% of the gay men who donated blood… are unsure whether they are HIV-positive” given any credibility? How can any of these numbers be verified by the GLA and how did the journalist check these facts?
On a News24 article on Sunday, this is all reported as fact, when it is stated that “About 120 members of the Johannesburg-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance (GLA) on Friday donated blood at clinics in response to a statement by the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) asking gays not to do so.” Again, no source or basis for this statement is given. To so liberally use these kinds of conjectured statistics by a suspect source is entirely irresponsible. This is hack-journalism run amuck.
I would be so bold as to suggest that no such homicidal group of gay blood-donating-men exists; and that the GLA’s ‘call’ was in fact not heeded by anyone, bar perhaps a lunatic or two. This is a true non-event – a hoax- that has been given sensationalistic front page coverage.
Consider the hypothetical absurdity of a man starting a campaign to bar women from voting: He comes up with a name for his organisation – perhaps the Men Against Women Alliance – and begins to issue press statements claiming to represent the male community and asserting that the organisation has hundreds of thousands of members. Few would take this seriously. Sadly this has not been the case with the GLA who has suckered the media, with their preconceptions and unconscious “us and them” mentality towards gay people.
I suspect that, in addition to a general lack of sensitivity to gay and lesbian issues and realities, much of this has to do with the nature of news organisations that report press releases verbatim without checking their legitimacy. These are rewritten by journalists who largely simply embellish what is already there for publication. The story is then, in turn, picked up by the international media and news feeds, and an untruth travels the world as though it were fact.
Every single legitimate South African gay community organisation and media outlet has publicly discredited the GLA in past letters, press releases and statements to the mainstream press. These statements have been ignored and the mainstream media continues to write about the GLA as though it actually represents a gay constituency. What will the cost be for this sloppy, lazy and unprofessional journalism and who will take responsibility?
This reporting has resulted in the real issue of rationally debating the appropriateness and validity of barring sexually active gay men from donating blood, (in the midst of an often desperate need for it), falling by the wayside. Who wins? No one – except perhaps the shareholders and owners of newspapers.
It appears as though journalists and their editors really do see fit to favour sensationalism at the cost of truth, and in doing so endanger lives and a community that already lives on the knife edge of social tolerance.
You have egg on your face. And possibly, even blood on your hands.
Shame on you.
Luiz DeBarros
Hand me an egg so I can also throw it at the mainstream media! Well done, Ed – I couldn’t have said it better. I follow various news-sources on a daily basis and am dumbfounded at how the so-called GLA manages to get so much print in the mainstream media – this while I didn’t see the open-letter by various gay and lesbian organisations that distanced themselves from the GLA published anywhere but on the sites of the specific organisations. Surely the mainstream media should sit up and take notice when the majority of our country’s popular and widely recognised gay and lesbian organisations and media distance themselves from a group that constantly goes against the grain of what we all stand for. Maybe it’s time for the country’s miniscule gay-media to stand up and very loudly bombard the mainstream media?
Finally!!!!!. Well done Luiz
Finally someone is saying something against the GLA!
The journalist and editor of the Saturday star should give us, gay people, a front page apology!!!! Then both should be fired! I am not part of the media and do not know how newspapers and journalism works but geeeeez printing what they did was irresponsible!!!!!!!!!
But furthermore what concerns me more is that people like yourself are taking on the mainstream media and the GLA, by yourself!!!!! What happened to the community organisations???? Where is OUT, FEW, Triangle Project etc.????? What are they doing to fight this or are they yet again going to hide behind the Joint Working Group’s fantastic excuse of “the GLA is already discredited” and “we must embrace diversity”!!!!! So far I have not seen anything on their websites about this! Or dont they work over weekends?
Oh please – It is high time that they start doing something about this! And not behind closed doors and in meetings but something that we, the gay people, can see.
Again – Well done and if you need us, the gay people and great mamba supporters to help in any way – call on us!!!!!!
… know. Oh,… what is the Joint Working Group that you refer to? What do they do?
Gag the GLA. Dear Sir,
I appreciate the comments of this open letter and applaud you for writing it.
Unfortunately this is not enough to address the source of the problem – being the GLA.
GLA claims to represent the gay community – those who are in the know fortunately know better -however we need to put a stop to the GLA from ever doing this again – enough damage has been done by this organisation/individual already!
What are the options available to the gay community to shut GLA up and sort them/him out for good?
We CANNOT allow this type of gross misrepresentation to continue!
Pieter Basson
Pieter Basson. So you are gay ???
Congratulations. Luiz, I want to congratulate you on this article. The call by the so-called GLA for gay people to tell lies when donating blood is very dangerous, and for the straight media to report it so sensationally is highly irresponsible.
This whole thing is right out of perspective. The Blood Transfusion Services have not wanted our blood since the 1980’s. This was almost understandable then as Aids was regarded as the gay plague. But we have come a very long way since then, and now 30% of the entire population is positive (and by no means all gay men).
The Blood Transfusion Services should rather call for no-one to donate blood who is not sure of his/her HIV status. They should urge everyone to be tested and not just trot out the discriminatory thing about gays.
– Gavin Hayward
Editor: Exit Newspaper
Gla. Well done, i was horrified when i saw the report…well done Luis
Well Done. The only sane voice out there it seems. Enough proof that the Saturday Star and it’s Christina Gallagher have no credibility.
SABC News. Top Story on the 19.00 news 2nite. Let the SANBS sue the GLA and then hopefully all can find out that it is just one idiot with a fax machine.
excellent article
Well said. Your article was eloquent and i believe reflects the view of most gay men,unlike the illigitimate mandate that the GLA lays claim to. The scandalous reporting by the mainstream media especially the Star has violated the central ethic of journalism which is accurate and factual reporting. I understand that drama sells more papers but this reporting has done more damage to gay pepoles dignities and hardened attitudes in the heterosexual community. It is quite simply irresponsible.We are used to unfair treatment but it is time to fight back armed with a pen,intellects and a constitution that allows us the same rights and equality as everyone else. I personally feel that the issue has been blown out of proportion. It is not a right to donate blood and if the SANTBS doesnt want our blood then lets just not give it. We can still live productive and contented lives without donating. Lets rather focus on achieving some kind of unity in the community and ridding ourselves of bad apples like the GLA!
Shame on Editor of The Star. Moegsien Williams, editor of The Star Newspaper (Independent Newspaper Group) should be ashamed of the publishings in the news paper. Especially because i am proudly gay and have alot to do with the press! Readers would be shocked to know that Moegsien’s own son, Brijlall is gay too.
What can we do?. Does anyone have a way that we can get rid of the GLA?
GLA Debacle. Well said Ed, however placing the blame on joutnalists who hunger for sensational stories will not solve this debacle.
It is time for all of us to stand up to the GLA aka Baxter who has once again embarassed our community.
I just called OUT who assured me that they are exploring ways to resolve the GLA matter. My suggestion would be for all to pledge their support to OUT and let’s get rid of this phony organisation.
OUT? huh!. Benita
I will give my support to who ever will get rid of GLA for good but with all due respect, OUT and the the rest of the gay organisations have been sending press releases out now for years trying to discredit the GLA!
It took one from mambaonline and, and published on their sites that the whole GLA thing was a hoax and that the GLA does not exist! (my own words)
I really think that all the gay organisations should start doing things and stop “exploring ways to resolve” because frankly – in my opinion – that is all they do!
They explore, embrace diversity and need to be politically correct! Lets start doing instead of exploring, lets embrace diversity but still fight for our rights because we all are individuals and lets stop being politically correct and start calling a spade a spade.
Mamba has done more for the gay community with this one letter than what the gay organisations did with their years of trying to get the GLA gone!
GLA Debacle. To Benita – You go girl!
Mamba Strikes Back!. Congratulations to mambaonline for its spirited stance on this matter. We need to do something about the GLA that can be made visible in the mainstream media, such as a petition. Any other ideas anyone?
GLA. I know for a fact of some one who was getting sms’s directly from this idiot. I can’t believe that he cannot be tracked down and exposed for the prick he really is.
He must be loving all this publicity and I am sure he is going to read this. Just you wait you nasty piece of work, you will slip up one day. God you must be living such a sad and pathetic life.
We do have a few. As a gay community we all have a role to play regarding this idiotic ‘blood war’. Firstly, like someone commented here, ust stop donating blood. I was a regular donor since high school and simply stopped when I became sexually active. If my HIV-negative blood is not good enough, then let the SANBS work through the donations from sexually active and promiscuous heterosexuals.
Another option could be to lay a complaint at the BCCSA against the SABC and every radio station that reported on this GLA nonsense. According to the BCCSA’s Constitution, news has to be factual and verified, and if it is based on or opinion or could not be verified by the source, this fact has to be stated as well. Seeing that no-one has been able to truly identify the GLA and its so-called membership, its statements can not be verified with reasonable doubt – it’s all on the website and I’m sure that someone with a stronger legal background than myself will be able to find a way.
Last but not least each and every person who is offended by this nonsense should write a letter expressing this disgust and subsequently send it to EACH AND EVERY newspaper and magazine he or she can lay their hands on. Bombard them. Give your opinion loud and clear!
This trash has taken up our time for far longer than it’s been necessary and simply has to be stopped by the voice of the gay community. It’s the only way to finally expose the GLA for what it is – which is absolutely nothing!
GLA. Is it not so that before journalist write a story that they should check up on the credentials and history of organizations they are focussing on. Clearly, as the Mamba’s editor has stated a huge error, if not MISTAKE was caused by sensationalist gurus.
It is time that we as gay south africans start our own revolution…… The foundation has been laid. Now fight…
Lets find out!. Post a reply/response page on Mamba and lets get every so called member of the GLA to please respond and verify that they belong to it.
Leave it on for 2 weeks and lets see the response. And then lets get the results published in the mainstream press and get the general public aware of what a hack effort the GLA actually is.
blood service. The open letter is absolutely to the point and I think a public aoplogy is necessry. At least in today’s issue of Weekend Argus , or maybe last night’s Argus an article appeared where people (actual live individuals with credibility) saying that the whole thigs was a hoax, there had been no sudden surge in men donating blood anywhere , as a matter of fact the past few days had seen the normal “low” numbers. Masybe it is time GLA sees a shrink!