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The man being harassed by the vigilantes

A video has appeared online of a man being threatened in the east of London by homophobic vigilantes who warn that he is in a Muslim area.

The cell phone video, shot by the aggressors, shows a man – called “a bloody fag” – being targeted and verbally abused while walking through the streets of Whitechapel at night.

One of the men in the group is heard asking the passerby: “Hello mate, don’t you know this is a Muslim area? What’s wrong with your face? Why you dressed like that for?”

When the victim asks the men why they are bothering him, the voice replies: “Cause you’re walking through a Muslim area dressed like a fag! You need to get out of here! You’re dirty mate.”

Other male voices are heard in the background laughing at the abuse. The introduction to the video clip includes the sound of gunfire and what appears to be militant music, the text “Islam will dominate the world” and anti-gay graphics.

The video follows another posted recently in which a group of men who claim to be “a Muslim patrol” harass members of the public in London.

They demand that people dress appropriately for a “Muslim area” and that they pour alcoholic drinks down drains. “We don’t care if you believe it or not,” one of the vigilantes is heard saying.

Earlier this week, two men were arrested in connection to the first video on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm and public order offences.

The East London Mosque slammed the men’s behaviour, saying: “These actions are utterly unacceptable and clearly designed to stoke tensions and sow discord. We wholly condemn them. The actions of this tiny minority have no place in our faith nor on our streets.”

Watch the video of the passerby being verbally abused by the homophobic gang below.


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